jsPsychSheet: Running online behavioral experiments using jsPsych and Google Sheet

Shashi Kant
5 min readMay 19, 2020

jsPsychSheet is a simple JavaScript library that uses jsPsych and Google Sheet for running behavioral experiments online. jsPsych is one of the popular JavaScript libraries used to design behavioral experiments to run in a web browser. But to host those experiments online, you need a server (which is not always free), and some knowledge about server-side coding is also required. jsPsychSheet solves that problem by using Google Apps Script to host your designed experiment and save your data directly into your google sheet. The best part is that you just need to add very few extra lines to your designed jsPsych experiment!

jsPsychSheet Tutorial

Three basic steps are needed to run a jsPsych experiment on Google Apps Script:

  • Fork jsPsychSheet repo to your own GitHub account and design your experiment inside the experiment folder.
  • Modify your jsPsych experiment to use jsPsychSheet
  • Host your experiment on Google Apps Script

Step 1: Fork jsPsychSheet repo to your own GitHub account and design your experiment inside the experiment folder.

After forking jsPsychSheet repo. Go to your forked repo and deploy it as GitHub pages. To do that click on Settings.

Within settings navigate to GitHub Pages and select the master branch as a source. And that's all your repo is now deployed as a GitHub page.

Now design your experiment using jsPsych inside the jsPsychSheet/experiment folder. As an example, we will use jsPsych's tutorial Simple Reaction Time Task. No need to download jsPsych files, simply use the jsPsych files from jsPsychSheet/jspsych.

Check the original experiment file before modification.

Step 2: Modify your jsPsych experiment to use jsPsychSheet

To use the jsPsych experiment with Google Apps Script, we first change all the local image/file sources to use the source from your GitHub repo. Add the following line at the beginning of each of your local sources: https://your-github-username.github.io/jsPsychSheet/experiment/. Replace your-github-username with your actual GitHub username, for eg: https://brain2ai.github.io/jsPsychSheet/experiment/. So, in our example experiment we will have to do the following changes:


"<div style='float: left;'><img src='img/blue.png'></img>" +
"<p class='small'><strong>Press the F key</strong></p></div>" +
"<div class='float: right;'><img src='img/orange.png'></img>" +
"<p class='small'><strong>Press the J key</strong></p></div>" +


"<div style='float: left;'><img src='https://brain2ai.github.io/jsPsychSheet/experiment/img/blue.png'></img>" +
"<p class='small'><strong>Press the F key</strong></p></div>" +
"<div class='float: right;'><img src='https://brain2ai.github.io/jsPsychSheet/experiment/img/orange.png'></img>" +
"<p class='small'><strong>Press the J key</strong></p></div>" +


var test_stimuli = [
{ stimulus: "img/blue.png", data: { test_part: 'test', correct_response: 'f' } },
{ stimulus: "img/orange.png", data: { test_part: 'test', correct_response: 'j' } }


var test_stimuli = [
{ stimulus: "https://brain2ai.github.io/jsPsychSheet/experiment/img/blue.png", data: { test_part: 'test', correct_response: 'f' } },
{ stimulus: "https://brain2ai.github.io/jsPsychSheet/experiment/img/orange.png", data: { test_part: 'test', correct_response: 'j' } }

Next, we replace jsPsych library with our online hosted jsPsych library and additionally add our jsPsychSheet library. Add the following lines to the <head> of HTML file.


<script src="../jspsych/jspsych.js"></script>
<script src="../jspsych/plugins/jspsych-html-keyboard-response.js"></script>
<script src="../jspsych/plugins/jspsych-image-keyboard-response.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../jspsych/css/jspsych.css">


<!-- jsPsych library -->
<base target="_top">
<!-- jsPsych library -->
<script src="https://brain2ai.in/jsPsychSheet/jspsych/jspsych.js"></script>
<script src="https://brain2ai.in/jsPsychSheet/jspsych/plugins/jspsych-html-keyboard-response.js"></script>
<script src="https://brain2ai.in/jsPsychSheet/jspsych/plugins/jspsych-image-keyboard-response.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://brain2ai.in/jsPsychSheet/jspsych/css/jspsych.css">

<!-- jsPsychSheet library -->
<script src="https://brain2ai.in/jsPsychSheet/jspsychsheet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://brain2ai.in/jsPsychSheet/jspsychsheet.css">

Now, send your experiment data to jsPsychSheet by calling jsPsychSheet.uploadData(jsPsych.data.get().csv()) function on the finish of your experiment. Do the below change:

timeline: timeline,
show_progress_bar: true,
on_finish: function() {

Check the modified experiment file. Push your changes to your jsPsychSheet forked repo on GitHub.

Step 3: Host your experiment on Google Apps Script

Goto your google drive and create a “Blank spreadsheet”. Now go to Tools and click on “Script editor”. A new tab will open with an editor.

You will see a Code.gs tab inside the editor. Replace its content with the following:

// App Script function to host the html page
function doGet() {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('index');

// App Script function to interact with google sheet
function addData(data) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.insertSheet(0);
var i;
for(i=0; i< data.length; i++){

// App Script function to interact with google sheet
function addDataMultiBlock(data, start=0) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

if (start == 1){
var sheet = ss.insertSheet(0);
} else {
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();

var i;
for(i=0; i< data.length; i++){

Now click on File >> New >> HTML file

A pop-up will be displayed asking the file name, write index.html and click "OK"

Replace the contents of index.html with the contents of your modified experiment. After that click on Publish >> Deploy as web app...

Select with whom you have to share your experiment with, select “Anyone, even anonymous” to share without email verification. And then click on Deploy

Grant the app permission to access google sheet data.

Congratulations! your experiment is now live… Copy the URL given and share it among your subjects for the experiment.

Accessing your experiment data?

All the experiment data will be stored in the google spreadsheet which you created. For each of the subjects, jsPsychSheet will create a separate sheet inside your spreadsheet.



Shashi Kant

Data Scientist (Conversational AI) | In love with Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Sciences, and Deep Learning