Unlocking Sustainable Future: The Finnish Technological Revolution

Shashipraba Perera
3 min readFeb 11, 2024

In the global pursuit of sustainability, Finnish technology companies stand at the forefront, pioneering innovative practices, methods, and services geared towards a greener future. With a steadfast commitment to environmental responsibility, Finland’s tech sector has long championed the principles of the circular economy and energy efficiency, solidifying its position as a leader in sustainable innovation.

The Technology Industries of Finland, in alignment with the government’s ambitious target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035, has embarked on a low-carbon roadmap. This strategic blueprint delves into the requisite technologies and actions necessary within the industry, equipping companies with the tools to realize this collective vision.

A pivotal aspect of this roadmap involves reducing direct emissions through the electrification of processes, machinery, and equipment, alongside the adoption of novel process concepts like bio or hydrogen reduction and carbon capture and recovery. These initiatives hold the key to mitigating the industry’s carbon footprint significantly.

In particular, the substitution of fossil coke in blast furnace and ferrochromium processes with biomass-based carbons, coupled with the implementation of direct reduction using hydrogen and electric arc furnaces, promises to revolutionize metal processing, rendering it virtually emission-free.

But sustainability isn’t confined to boardroom strategies or technological advancements alone. It permeates every facet of Finnish society, sparking grassroots movements and fostering a culture of environmental consciousness.

Recently, at a meetup hosted by the AWS User Group Finland, the discourse on sustainability resonated deeply. Amidst discussions on cutting-edge Amazon Web Services technologies, the imperative of sustainability emerged as a focal point. The convergence of technology and sustainability showcased how platforms like AWS can facilitate carbon tracking and waste reduction, underscoring the pivotal role of technology in environmental stewardship.

Moreover, companies like Nordea, Alma Media, and Andritz are leading by example, integrating sustainability into their core operations. Nordea’s ambitious goal of becoming a net-zero emissions bank by 2050 mirrors its steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship. Similarly, Alma Media’s digital transformation journey has not only halved greenhouse gas emissions but also facilitated sustainable choices through its digital services.

The ethos of sustainability is deeply ingrained in companies like Andritz as well, where it forms an integral part of their corporate strategy. Through initiatives like CircleToZero and the ‘We Care’ sustainability program, Andritz epitomizes a holistic approach to sustainability, setting ambitious goals and striving for excellence in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

In conclusion, Finland’s technological prowess isn’t just about innovation — it’s about innovation with a purpose. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the Finnish tech sector serves as a beacon of hope, ushering in a new era of sustainability and prosperity for generations to come. Through collaboration, innovation, and unwavering commitment, we can unlock a future where sustainability isn’t just a buzzword but a way of life.

Let’s embrace this journey together, for a sustainable tomorrow begins today.



Shashipraba Perera

Passionate about bridging the worlds of AI, Machine Learning and Development.