Memory networks: Are we moving towards an end to end ai architecture?Memory networks are a recent class of neural networks that are pretty hot in nlp right now because of their excellent performance on…Mar 15, 2016Mar 15, 2016
A tiny multi threaded job queue in 30 lines of pythonRecently while plotting some data while doing gradient descent on my neural net, i ran across some performance issues. My gradient descent…Dec 11, 20156Dec 11, 20156
Random idea: Using data flow graphs for optimising serial programsOne of the cool ideas i came across recently was that of a data flow graph.Dec 9, 2015Dec 9, 2015
Plotting data in realtime with plotlyI was recently working on replicating the deepmind paper on training an agent to play atari 2600 games.Dec 9, 2015Dec 9, 2015
So which projects can i contribute to on github?Finding projects worthing contributing to is rather tough.Aug 16, 2014Aug 16, 2014
Are we becoming worse programmers ?Remember the golden days of software development when there was no google, no stackoverflow. What we used to have was this.Aug 8, 2014Aug 8, 2014