Does Morality matter ?

Shashwat Dubey
1 min readMay 5, 2024

Once upon a time, in a dense, green jungle, nestled a small village where people grew their own food and lived contentedly. One day, out of the blue, heavy rain poured down, destroying all the crops, leaving the villagers with only stored food, some with more than others.

In this village lived a poor mother and her 15-year-old son. Due to the food shortage, the mother fell ill, her life hanging by a thread. Desperate to save her, the son ventured to steal food from another household where a father and daughter resided. The father suffered from an illness requiring medication to survive. That night, the boy not only took food but also a box of medicine. The stolen food revived his mother, but the next morning, the father, unable to find his medicine, succumbed to his illness. His daughter found him lifeless on the floor, her heart shattered as she witnessed his death.

Devastated and seeking justice, the daughter spent the entire day searching until she discovered the boy’s home. Finding both mother and son eating stolen food, she acted without hesitation, ending the boy’s mother’s life in a bid for revenge.

They stood there, devoid of emotion, as the tale concluded.

Now, Tell me

Did the 15-year-old boy do right by saving his mother’s life through theft, which inadvertently led to the father’s death?

Did the father’s daughter act justly by seeking revenge for her father’s demise?

