My GSoC Selection & Community Bonding Experience

(Next Blog)

Shashwat Kathuria
2 min readMay 26, 2020

I’ve been hearing about Google Summer of Code since I have started college and always wondered what it was like, to be part of such a prestigious program, and code in real world projects with mentors……Fast forward three years, I get selected as a GSoC intern for Wikimedia Foundation!!

The Organization

So, starting to contribute is always the toughest period in my opinion, it takes some decent amount of effort to understand the code base, how things work and even more so to give sensible logical contributions apart from the usual UI bugs and testing. But, the experience I had with Wikimedia Foundation and my mentor Sage Ross was very welcoming and seamless, and I couldn’t wish for a better mentor, who would be so approachable and also help me with even minor things and occasional (stupid) doubts 😊. He helped me throughout the journey from contributions till now, and continues to do so and I am grateful to be a part of this wonderful organization.

(I am second from bottom in the rightmost column) Source:

Onboarding Experience

All of the selected GSoC and Outreachy students under Wikimedia were invited to a very cool Welcome Party, where Pavithra Eswaramoorthy, Srishti Sethi (the extremely helpful and welcoming people in Wikimedia) and students introduced themselves to everyone and some of the students sang some amazing songs, showcased their artwork, talked about their hobbies, etc. All in all, it was a very nice introduction and a way to know all the great open source contributors having a common vision.

I am very excited and look forward to building great things in this beautiful journey with Wikimedia Foundation!!😊😊✌️

Google Summer of Code 2020
I am contributing to Wiki Education Dashboard (Ruby on Rails + ReactJS)

