Shaun CarrollWhat I learned in Business School Is…This has been a fun, long, and sometimes challenging road that I have been on for the past 4 years. I want to thank everyone on this site…Apr 25, 20182Apr 25, 20182
Shaun CarrollMoving forward after the semesterAs I have previously discussed I am graduating this May and I have learned a lot over these past 4 years from my professors and fellow…Apr 20, 20183Apr 20, 20183
Shaun CarrollThoughts on classThis has been a fun semester and I have learned a lot through my 4 years of college. But I must say that this class has taught me the most…Apr 19, 20182Apr 19, 20182
Shaun CarrollProject Update April 19As I have been discussing with my group mates about my challenges with creating a DVD to go along with my game I have found some friends…Apr 19, 2018Apr 19, 2018
Shaun CarrollProject Update April 9I have been having some difficulty designing and burning a DVD for my board game. I have some friends from high school who are better at…Apr 9, 20182Apr 9, 20182
Shaun CarrollProject Update April 4I have been getting valuable feedback from my group in the recent weeks and have begun to develop a DVD instructional/educational video to…Apr 4, 20181Apr 4, 20181
Shaun CarrollProject Update March 30I have finished my initial testing and have had favorable responses for “Animal Kingdom” and now have a plan to present my product at a…Mar 30, 20181Mar 30, 20181
Shaun CarrollProject update March 26After my follow up meeting with Ms. Jackson I have decided on doing a custom order insert for the board game. The reason I chose this…Mar 26, 20182Mar 26, 20182
Shaun CarrollProject update March 18Over the spring break I was able to complete a demo model of my product, “Animal Kingdom” and was able to test it with some of my friends…Mar 18, 2018Mar 18, 2018
Shaun CarrollProject Update Feb 28 2018After my phone meeting with Ms. Jackson, the occupational therapist I reached out to, she informed me that I should try multiple styles of…Feb 28, 2018Feb 28, 2018