The Biggest Bat In The World

It’s just as terrifying as you’re probably thinking

Shauna Bevacqua
2 min readJan 17, 2015

Alright, so, I’m casually browsing my Facebook feed when I stumble on a picture of….THIS:

WTF? Is this real? Yes, yes it is.

I think the caption on the meme sums it up pretty well. Now, bats are already super creepy and weird. They flit around all out of control, swooping down from trees and roof shingles and what not. But this? This is an entirely new level of creepy and weird.

Naturally, I needed to investigate further to find out the following information of a) is this fucking for real? and b) where do they live so I can never go there.

I found out the answer to both these questions, and more. More than I ever cared to know. I really could have gone on living my life in blissful ignorance of this creepy animal’s existence but nooooo, we have to live in a connected world now with internet and shit.

Anyway the answer is YES they do exist, they are known as “flying foxes” because of their “fox-like faces” (if you ignore their giant wings and creepy bodies, they are actually kind of cute) but they are indeed bats, though they don’t use echolocation as other bats do. And of course, they reside in Australia. The capital of all wild life that is terrifying.

I’ll let the video footage of these creatures speak for themselves.



Shauna Bevacqua

Hi! I’m Shauna. I’m twenty-something-ish, live in Vancouver BC and I like writing sometimes, mostly about life. Because life is weird, funny, sad, and awesome.