Action Create’s Motivation

Shaun Burn
3 min readJul 25, 2017

It’s amazing how quickly things can change once you have clarity. After struggling and searching for some sort of drive for the last 6 months, I feel like I finally have clarity. Just days ago I wrote about my goal of documenting my journey to achieve 100 goals over the next 5 years. I’m already feeling the drive coming back.

My Bare Arse Minimum!

I needed to build back into that winners mindset so I set myself a goal this week to create a daily to-do list and hold myself to a simple standard of not switching off until everything on that list was complete…..And so far so good!! Let’s be honest, it’s only been a few days and what will really impact me achieving 100 goals in 5 years is if I’m still holding this daily standard, two or twenty years from now. This is such a simple yet powerful point, set yourself a standard, a Bare Arse Minimum (BAM) and stick to it. I use my to-do list but you can do whatever fits for you. I do a few things to build this habit up. First I allocate time each day to sit and create my list, I make it an enjoyable process, usually over my morning coffee. The second thing I do is add everything I can think of to the list, sometimes even small task that once writing down I go and finish immediately. I do this not so I don’t forget but to one, give myself that good feeling of crossing something off the list and two, to create the habit of writing things down as soon as they come to my mind! This builds my ability to create quality lists while make me more productive. That actions helps create my motivation to do even more.

What I’ve learn so far

I realised today that the more I do, the more my motivation increases and the more I get done in the same amount of time. I think this is one of the key lessons from my struggle over the last few months. Action creates motivation, and I was waiting for the motivation to come before starting. This is a hard process for a lot of people, myself included. I was hesitant to start doing first.

To start, all you need is a direction. Whether that’s towards something you want or away from something you’re trying to leave behind, you just need to start. The motivation will come, and if it doesn’t then maybe your heading in the wrong direction. It’s that courage to start that I think I struggle with most. I believe that nothing worth having is easy so if i want to change I have to push through that fear and do.

Im so excited for the next five years and especially about documenting my journey. Now I just have to keep going and see where I end up!

Thank you so much for reading. I would love to hear your story of achieving your dreams! Comment below, email or hit me up on social media ❤️

Written By Shaun Burn

Work Hard, Have Fun, Give Back

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Shaun Burn

Multiple Business Owner, Business Mentor, Triathlete & Mountaineer. I live by the motto “work hard, have fun, give back”