How to Speed Up Queries in a Laravel Project

Shaun Thornburgh
7 min readSep 3, 2023

Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, provides developers with the necessary tools to build modern web applications quickly. However, as your Laravel application grows, you might notice a decrease in performance, especially in terms of database queries. This article outlines several strategies to optimize your queries and make your Laravel application perform at its best.

1. Use Eager Loading to Prevent N+1 Problem:

The N+1 problem is not specific to Laravel, but it’s a common issue developers encounter in many ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) systems when dealing with database relationships. Laravel’s Eloquent ORM makes it easy to interact with database data in an object-oriented manner, but like all tools, it’s essential to understand how it works to use it efficiently.

When retrieving related data from a database, an inefficient way to do so is by executing one query to get the main data (e.g., a list of posts) and then executing another query for each item in that main data to get its related data (e.g., the comments for each post).

So, if you had 10 posts, you’d perform 1 query (to retrieve the 10 posts) + 10 queries (to retrieve comments for each of the 10 posts) = 11 queries in total.

