Shaun Tinney
2 min readFeb 20, 2016

What if you woke up every morning with a fresh ten thousand dollar bill under your pillow?

Fun to think about right? So freeing! Now forget about the money.

Every day you wake up with a fresh 24 hours to spend however you’d like. How are you spending yours?

I’m not going for the old “time is money” cliché here, I really want you to consider how much value you place on each day of your life. Most of us don’t treat our time as if it were more valuable than money, yet it’s the only truly non-renewable resource we have.

Time is a force of creation. Every person on earth gets the same amount of hours every day. With this powerful force, offered evenly to each of us, most people work all day and then binge watch Netflix. What about you?

When someone offers you a salary, what they are really saying is, “Here is a fixed sum of money in exchange for an entire year of your time and energy.”

After awhile, waking up and going to work every day becomes one of those routines we don’t even question. A profitable distraction at best. As Nietzsche said, we “seek out distractions in order to stay mentally busy, so we can avoid facing up to the big questions — like whether we’re living genuinely meaningful lives.”

Are you working at a job that gives you energy or takes it from you? Are you doing work that matters to you, or just paying the bills?

In exchange for a slow drip of that fixed salary over 52 weeks each year, your life belongs to your employer. You are working to build their dreams instead of your own.

What would it look like to build your dreams instead?

Shaun Tinney

I write to inspire curiosity, awaken creativity, and encourage self-cultivation.