You Won’t Believe These Eco-Friendly Self-Care Products Exist!

Shaurine Munguti
4 min readNov 30, 2023


In today’s world, it’s impossible to ignore the cry for sustainable practices. There’s an essential shift happening — towards business models that align more closely with avoiding harm to the planet. Can this shift extend to our self-care routines? The answer is a resounding–yes!

This article navigates you through the astonishing eco-friendly alternatives available for self-care. Let’s explore the green route to pampering ourselves!

Bid Adieu to Single-Use Plastics with Bar Shampoos

It’s high time we re-evaluate our relationship with the plastic bottles crowding our bathroom shelves. Enter — bar shampoos. Unlike the regular bottled variants, these non-liquid shampoos come wrapped in biodegradable materials, reducing unnecessary waste.

Lush: Pioneering Plastic-Free Hair Care

Leading the crusade against single-use plastics in the self-care industry, Lush has a wide range of shampoo bars that cater to diverse hair types. Believe it or not, one solid bar can replace up to three medium-sized bottles of liquid shampoo!

“One solid bar can replace up to three medium-sized bottles of liquid shampoo!”

Replace Wipes with Biodegradable Alternatives

Next on our list of awesome alternatives are biodegradable facial wipes. Swap your regular wipes with these eco-friendly versions to reduce the more than 7.6 billion pounds of wipes discarded each year.

Yes To: Cucumber Hypoallergenic Facial Wipes

Consider cucumber-facial-wipes. cucumber hypoallergenic facial wipes. They are compostable and 95% natural. They don’t just let you exude radiance but also allow you to do so sustainably.

Orchestrating Oral Hygiene with Bamboo Toothbrushes

The pace at which we replace plastic toothbrushes contributes significantly to environmental waste. That’s why bamboo toothbrushes merit consideration. They not only last as long as their plastic counterparts but are also biodegradable.

Brush with Bamboo: The Eco-friendly Toothbrush

Brush with Bamboo offers toothbrushes that have a handle composed entirely of bamboo. The bristles, though not 100% biodegradable, are recyclable, pushing boundaries to make the entire product earth-friendly.

Sustainable Makeup: Better for Skin, Better for Earth

Sustainable makeup is the latest protagonist in the eco-friendly narrative. These products are not just good for the skin but also for Mother Earth. Manufactured using organic, cruelty-free methods, they come packaged in biodegradable or refillable containers to minimize waste.

RMS Beauty: Leading the Charge in Sustainable Makeup

RMS Beauty is one leading brand that offers sustainable makeup products. Their packaging primarily uses recyclable glass and aluminum, while the product ingredients are non-toxic and organic.

“Sustainable makeup: It’s better for your skin and even better for Mother Earth.”

As the world stands at the verge of environmental crisis, making minor tweaks in our lifestyle can contribute to the global effort in a significant way. Will you savor your self-care routine guilt-free with these amazing, sustainable products? The choice is yours! Embrace the green life. Your future self (and the earth!) will thank you.

