Shaurya Doval — On a mission to empower the less privileged

Shaurya Doval
7 min readOct 17, 2018


Early Life and Family
Ghiri is a village located amidst the captivating landscape of Pauri Garhwal (Uttarakhand). Shaurya Doval was born into a brahmin family that dwelt here over several generations, whose ancestors served as Prime Minister to the former Garhwal Kingdom. His father, Shri. Ajit Doval, is a former Indian intelligence and law enforcement officer and is currently the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister. His mother, Smt. Aruni Doval, from the Dasmana family in Bagyali, Pauri Garhwal, was a teacher prior to retirement. Shaurya’s wife, Divya, is an oncologist. She too is from Garhwal and belongs to the Nautiyal family of Tehri.

Shaurya began his education in the disciplined environment of the Army Public School. For higher studies he attended the prestigious Hindu College of Delhi University from where he graduated with top honours in Economics. Shaurya led an active life in college, excelling in sports, debating and other cultural activities.

Professional Career
His outstanding capability and performance helped him secure a job with Arthur Andersen when he was just 20 years old. Offered the opportunity of becoming a Chartered Accountant by the company, Shaurya pursued his studies while working. He became a Chartered Account when he was only 23 years. In recognition of his capabilities and potential Shaurya gained admission in United Kingdom’s London School of Business and USA’s Chicago University, premier institutions that are part of the top 10 business schools of the world. After completing his MBA, Shaurya worked at senior positions in leading global financial services firms like Morgan Stanley, G.E. Capital, etc. where he got the opportunity to demonstrate his financial and business acumen.

Shaurya kept climbing the corporate ladder on the strength of his capabilities, gaining respect and accolades as a financial consultant. In 2009 he returned and founded the India centric Think Tank ‘India Foundation’ through which he has worked tirelessly to navigate the changing course of India’s future.

Shaurya has been closely involved with the power sector and has been a consultant to many companies in this industry. The country’s prestigious Institute of Economic Studies acknowledged his contributions to the Power Sector by conferring him with the ‘Udyog Ratan’ award in 2012.

In year 2015, Shaurya was awarded the prestigious Eisenhower Fellowship, an honour that very few are offered. These change agents are invited because of their innovative leadership and significant achievements.

Along with being a family man, an accomplished professional, a responsible husband, father and son, Shaurya is a proud citizen of India, mindful of his duties and responsibilities.

A Unique Perspective to Manage Grave Challenges

The needs of the nation, culture and society being in the forefront of his consciousness, Shaurya has associated himself with many organisations and programmes that work to positively impact the people of India. A reserved and committed person, Shaurya stays away from empty populist activity, believing that actions speak louder than words. Inspired by the RSS and pledged to nation building, he co-founded the think-tank, ‘India Foundation’, through which he works for the upliftment of society, and many critical issues, concerns and programmes that impact India’s policy making.

He is associated with setting up the Dharma Life Foundation, through which institution he was able to give concrete form to his new thinking through programmes for the youth, women, the elderly, including rural entrepreneurship and employability.

For Garhwal
Having demonstrated his capability across the globe as an excellent administrator and successful businessman, Shaurya Doval wants to put his skills to use for the country and his countrymen. In this endeavour, he will use his education and experience, his farsightedness and knowledge in technology, economics, ideas and implementation with a problem-solving, business perspective. He is keen on building his country, his state and the society by evaluating ideas and programmes that could contribute to the social upliftment and sustained development of the people.

Keeping Garhwal and Uttarakhand as focus, Shaurya has conceived a unique movement that will give the people of the region a purposeful platform to combine their resources and efforts. This movement has been aptly named, ‘Bemisaal Garhwal’. It reflects Shaurya’s concern and aspiration for his culture and society. An expression of the pride his motherland inspires in him, which motivates him to do something for the people of his state. Shaurya invites every Garhwali, supporters and well-wishers of Garhwal to be ready to join the movement, and add their thoughts, support and effort to this movement, contributing in whatever manner possible to building a happy, healthy and prosperous society in Garhwal and India.

India Foundation

In year 2009 Shaurya established the India Foundation together with Shri Ram Madhavji. The underlying principle behind creating this Think Tank was to look at India from an ‘India Perspective’. So that India and the Indian perspective would remain at the forefront when discussing and developing policy for the country. The financial tumult on the global scene required introspection and reflection on the breakdown of financial and business standards. The nation was looking at a more India-centric approach. At a policy making level, India Foundation was convinced that to truly address India’s problems and needs it was not enough to impose inherited or acquired policies, or to wait for a handout as a developing nation. India needed to take control and shape its future and establish itself as a nation to be reckoned with on the world forum.

India Foundation and Shaurya Doval, as its Founder Director, have since then been committed to building a ‘Great India’ through the think tank’s deeds, its thinking and its attitude. The foundation has been closely involved in activity to promote India’s reputation and goodwill both, within the country and across the world. Shaurya and India Foundation have played an important role in spreading this thinking to all the nation’s well-wishers and supporters. Showcasing India’s cultural diversity and impact across a wider audience. Remaining diligent to its strategic India focus, while nurturing a vibrant and secure India.

Shaurya is also concerned on the economic front, one of the core issues of India Foundation is, how will India gain prosperity and emerge as a super power. Shaurya has been working towards this end with the foundation, for the last 10 years through its outlook and programmes, charting out a course for a bright future for the country, which is grounded and achievable.

A Unique Vision

Shaurya deliberates extensively on issues and problems to understand them and identify possible solutions and answers. His experience both within the country and across the globe, has helped in assessing issues closely. His background in financial planning and management has been a great help in this matter.

He believes in the power of ‘self-help’ and advocates the need for us to be independent and to look within for a solution to our problems. He firmly believes that any individual, institution or even the government can only help to a limited degree. It is only when we decide that we actively want a resolution that we start thinking out-of-the-box. We search for solutions, enforce and adapt them to suit our unique needs. It is only then that we grow and develop as strong individuals who can transform themselves and society. This is also the founding philosophy behind the ‘Bemisaal Garhwal’ mission.

‘Bemisaal Garhwal’ Mission
Shaurya’s connection and devotion to his ancestral village and his compatriots from the region and the citizens of Uttarakhand has inspired and motivated him to make an impactful contribution to the region. ‘Bemisaal Garhwal’ is a direct consequence of his deliberations on the subject. Shaurya welcomes all citizens, supporters and well-wishers to join hands to build the nation, state and society through their efforts and support.

This movement derives from Garhwali pride and will enhance its prestige, tourism potential, to benefit its social welfare and economic situation. The combined efforts of the people will benefit the people of Garhwal and Uttarakhand and give them the control and confidence to build a brighter future for their region.

It is also true that Garhwalis have a deep respect and feeling for their motherland and its sentiments, traditions, culture and heritage. They inspire great pride in us …and why not? The folktales, stories, epics, songs of this region’s chivalry, bravery and grandeur are a boon from this land of the gods. Just like the powerful Himalayas, Garhwal too is awe-inspiring and satisfying, while at the same time it is testimony to the past and a harbinger of the future. And it is ‘bemisaal’ …. singularly unique …a future that must be preserved and enhanced. This is not the vision or wish of Shaurya Doval alone, it is the cumulative yearning of all Garhwalis.

Come, join this mission, with respect and commitment.


Welcome to my page.

I, Shaurya Doval, am a Garhwali, an Uttarakhandi, but before all, a proud dedicated Indian. I am committed to my motherland, her ethnicity, culture and society. Hoping to serve my country, fellow countrymen and my society in a manner such that it contributes in a small way to enhance a greater sense wellbeing, pride, security and happiness.

Dharma Life Foundation

Dharma Life Foundation in a non-profit organisation that works with rural households to improve their quality of life through entrepreneurship at the village level. Shaurya and his team at Dharma Life focus their attention on critical issues that India faces like health, sanitation, education and unemployment. The foundation addresses these challenges at the rural level by supporting entrepreneurship, building business skills, and identifying opportunities that align with market requirements.

In addition to health, education and unemployment, Dharma Life Foundation also works in areas like sanitation, digital education, smart villages/panchayats concentrating mainly on the youth and women of rural India. Helping them to set up their own enterprises, teaching them skills to successfully run and grow their businesses.

Today Dharma Life Foundation is brightening the future of rural youth and women in 12 states of the country. The foundation has created one entrepreneur for every three villages in these states, with 13,000 businesses having been created. Of which 9,000 are run by women alone. Cumulatively, their efforts have positively impacted 80 lakh persons in total till date.

Shaurya has been associated with Dharma Life Foundation right from the stage of concept, through creation. Now after the successful implementation of its programmes in several states in India, Shaurya Doval is bringing the helpful agency of Dharma Life to Uttarakhand. In addition to education, health and digital literacy in villages, the foundation will work towards empowering women through entrepreneurship. Through its interventions Dharma Life Foundation is helping establish a new sustainable entrepreneur model in Uttarakhand.



Shaurya Doval

I am Shaurya Doval, a Garhwali, -an Uttarakhandi. Before all, I am a proud dedicated Indian committed to my motherland, her ethnicity, culture and Society.