Choke the Hatters, choke them to your dream!
Whenever you desire to dream, desire to step out and do you. Know my children, my friends, my brothers and sisters. The haters will come. It would be different if you stepped on his or her foot. If you disrespected their parents and initiated the demise of their career. But No, No. It has nothing to do with you, all to do with them. Only the low and scavenger scum, lay in wait as you process your next steps. Well, they say let me go see what they posted. Let me see their pics, let me watch their videos. Now, now, they don’t stop there, oh, each response to your things they have read. Wondering why you receive so much love. Why it just seems to work for you.
Know and trust they want your light. That essence, that relates to others and allow others to check back. But if they knew the work involved with success. Amazing how work repeals many from a future. You have the nerve to hate on those who get off their ass.
If you have haters choke them. Now no don’t literally choke them. Choke them with the power of your success. Don’t allow the haters to distract you, put that hate in the gas of your car and ride.
Stay on track, stay focused and choke the haters!