10 Best motivational inspirational quotes about success

shaveethira g
2 min readSep 21, 2020

The foundation for success…

success quotes

Success never comes without struggle…

success quotes

Sunrises in the east.

Be satisfied as long as you have unleashed your full potential of your inner beast.

motivational quotes

Choose what you want…

winning vs successful vs happy

Focus on the process, not the final outcome

enjoy the journey

Great people didn’t achieve just by sudden flight. They spent nights chasing their dream, while the average went ease of sleep.

dream that doesnt let you sleep


never settle

Follow the 3 H’s…

inspirational quote

Always be ready to try new things. Let the fire buring in you not let you to sleep until you give your best.

try new things

Persistence trumps



shaveethira g

I'm a passionate motivational speaker, marketing enthusiast and content creator. Check out my articles on motivation