Unlocking Affordability: Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Cost in India

3 min readApr 10, 2024


Surgery performed to replace dysfunctional coronary heart valves with new valves is known as coronary heart valve replacement surgery. The heart is the organ responsible for providing oxygen-infused blood to all organs and systems within the body. It has four chambers through which blood must pass before being ejected out to the rest of the organs. This pathway is controlled by four distinct valves. They open in only one direction, like doors, and do not allow blood flow in the wrong direction.

Procedure of valve replacement surgery India

If your heart valve cannot be repaired and a catheter-based procedure isn’t feasible, the valve may need to be replaced. To replace a heart valve, your medical professional removes the existing valve and replaces it with either a mechanical valve or a valve made from cow, pig, or human heart tissue. Biological valves often need to be replaced eventually, as they degenerate over time. If you have a mechanical valve, you may need to take blood-thinning medications for the rest of your life to prevent blood clots. Certain heart valves can be replaced using minimally invasive catheter techniques.

Reasons for UAE patients opting for heart valve replacement in India

With the skyrocketing cost of medical care in the US, going abroad for heart surgery is becoming increasingly common. The heart valve replacement surgery cost in India is one of the main reasons why many individuals travel from abroad for it. The heart valve replacement surgery cost in India is less than 66% of what it costs in Western nations and, surprisingly, even less than what it costs in other medical tourism destinations. This is the primary reason why patients from abroad prefer to undergo low heart valve replacement surgery cost in India.

Heart valve replacement in India does not compromise on the quality of treatment. The treatment and the quality of care remain the same as that of any other country in the world. Heart valve replacements are performed by highly competent doctors who have contributed to the global reputation of India as a leading healthcare destination. The average heart valve replacement surgery cost in India is 40% less compared to other developing countries.

Why the surgeons of heart valve repair surgery in India are highly ranked for cardiac treatment?

The risks of cardiac surgery can be minimized if it’s performed by the top 10 heart valve replacement surgeons of India. When it comes to valve replacement surgery in India, UAE patients can expect effective treatment and superior surgical techniques from cardiologists or cardiac surgeons. The top 10 heart valve replacement surgeons of India are highly skilled and dedicated to their work. They are well qualified, having graduated from the topmost medical institutions in India and abroad, with some obtaining their training and fellowship from overseas. Top 10 heart valve replacement surgeons of India who perform valve replacement surgery in India make every effort to deliver positive outcomes.

The low cost of heart valve repair surgery in India does not compromise the quality of treatment. Valve replacement surgery in India and the quality of care remain the same as that of any other country in the world. Top-standard valve replacement surgery in India is carried out by remarkable and experienced top 10 heart valve replacement surgeons of India. Only the top 10 heart valve replacement surgeons of India are allowed to perform valve replacement surgery, especially considering its sensitivity and complexities. They possess expertise in dealing with all types of clinical and surgical emergencies and focus on conducting valve replacement surgery in India with maximum care and minimal supervision.

Why UAE patients choose India health guru?

Indian health guru consultant is a medical facilitator that assists UAE patients in accessing high-quality, affordable treatment. Our extensive network of healthcare includes the best hospitals and medical experts with a strong reputation for excellence, providing UAE patients with the best possible care. Our experienced team supports UAE patients throughout their treatment journey. We strive to find the best rate-to-quality ratio for people’s needs and budget. Our team of professionals arranges the individual’s complete medical treatment, which includes pre-departure consultation and onsite services.

