Shawni Danner
2 min readJan 2, 2016

Life Isn’t About Finding Yourself, It’s About Creating Yourself

My friend Meghan posted this phrase on her Facebook in honor of the new year and I just loved it. I wrote about finding myself in 2015 like two days ago and now I wish her phrase was my own. I resonated with it instantly. She is right: I don’t want to find myself. I want to create myself into an inspiring human being. It’s obviously not a quick process and more so will be a life long journey. So here are my 2016 new year’s resolutions in no particular order:

  1. Drink at least 60 ounces of water per day. I am terrible at drinking water and have made a similar resolution before. It got me to start drinking water in the first place.
  2. Revitalize my Spanish skills by joining a meet up/volunteering/language exchange. I want to be able to read novels in Spanish which just made me add “Read Don Quixote en español” to my bucket list.
  3. Participate in No Meat Mondays every Monday and eat less meat in general for environmental purposes.
  4. Donate blood once a month. I had a roommate in college who did this and I’ve wanted to try this ever since. I just forgot or was lazy or had other silly excuses.
  5. Read at least one book per month. I have been wanting to do more reading. It’s good for your brain.
  6. Eat cleaner. I have been pretty good about this since I moved back from Korea, but I feel making it a resolution, and writing it down makes me more accountable.
  7. Pay my mom back. I owe her some money from my move to NY and I just want to pay it off. I also want to pay off my credit card.
  8. Have healthy credit and stick to it. Charge it, pay the balance. Repeat.
  9. Build my new blog and write at least twice a month. I realize that doesn’t seem like much, but I strive for attainable goals that aren’t too intimidating.
Shawni Danner

Project Coordinator at Infinite Red, writer, painter, traveler, crafter among other things