The Mystery of The Green Children of Woolpit: 10 Theories Behind Their Origins

6 min readSep 15, 2023


The Green Children of Woolpit are a centuries-old mystery that have captivated historians, scientists, and inquisitive minds for decades. The mystery is located in the center of Suffolk, England, nestled within the charming village of Woolpit. Two twins with green-hued skin who inexplicably appeared next to a wolf pit are at the core of this strange legend, which dates back to the 12th century. Numerous hypotheses, spanning from the supernatural to the scientific, have been proposed over time to explain their origins. In this post, we’ll explore ten intriguing possibilities that have been put out to explain the Green Children’s enigmatic past while delving into the fascinating world of the Green Children.

1. The Faerie Folk Theory

The first hypothesis gives the narrative a hint of magic. Some people think that the Green Children came from a land of faeries or other magical beings rather than being of this world. Folklore said that faeries were mischievous creatures that may resemble human yet had distinguishing otherworldly characteristics, such as green skin. This theory’s proponents contend that the kids’ odd behavior, weird speech, and dislike of human food could be explained by a supernatural origin.

It’s important to note that stories of meetings with faeries and other supernatural beings were very prevalent in medieval Europe to corroborate this theory. One might consider the appearance and actions of the Green Children to be in line with such legend. This notion, however, is mostly supported by the suspension of disbelief and lacks hard data.

2. Starvation and Malnutrition

Skeptics propose a less supernatural explanation in place of the supernatural theory. They suggest that extreme malnutrition and a diet deficient in vital nutrients may have contributed to the Green Children’s appearance. Famines were frequent in the 12th century, and the children’s diet may have been predominantly green vegetables, which could have contributed to the development of their distinctive skin tone over time.

In the past, there have been cases of people with severe malnutrition exhibiting changes in skin color as a result of vitamin shortages. The children’s strange arrival in Woolpit may have been the consequence of difficult circumstances, like as escaping famine-stricken regions, which would be consistent with the malnutrition argument. This is a crucial factor to keep in mind.

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3. Hypothesis of Foreign Origin

The Green Children may have been foreign refugees who came upon Woolpit, according to another idea. It’s likely that they were emaciated as a result of their exhausting journey, were natives of a faraway region, spoke a language that the locals couldn’t understand. This would account for their peculiar appearance and dislike of local cuisine.

Although the notion that refugees from outside made their way to Woolpit is conceivable, there is little historical basis for this theory. It is difficult to determine the children’s true ancestry and the circumstances that led them to the town because there are so few historical records from that era.

4. The Underground World Theory

The Green Children were descended from a group of people who lived in an underground civilization, according to this science fiction-inspired hypothesis. Supporters say that they might have come to the surface for the first time and ended up in Woolpit, which would account for their perplexity and unusual appearance.

Although the idea of underground civilizations is a common motif in literature and science fiction, there is no actual scientific proof for their existence below the surface of the Earth. It is still hypothetical and not widely recognized among academics that this hypothesis exists.

5. Ergot Poisoning

Consuming grains contaminated with the ergot fungus results in ergot poisoning, which can produce hallucinations, psychosis, and other neurological symptoms. Some historians suggest that the ergot sickness caused by consuming tainted rye, which was a common crop at the time, could explain the Green Children’s green complexion and peculiar behavior.

In fact, ergot poisoning can cause a wide range of peculiar symptoms, such as changes in skin tone and mental instability. However, it’s crucial to remember that ergotism often affects more people than just two when contaminated grains are consumed. Ergotism cannot fully account for the children’s other odd characteristics, such as their strange language and aversion to common foods.

6. Hypochromic Anemia

Hypochromic anemia is a medical disease that the Green Children may have experienced, according to a more scientific viewpoint. Due to a deficiency in hemoglobin, this illness might result in pale or greenish skin. Other explanations imply that the kids were malnourished, which would have made their anemia worse.

Due to low hemoglobin levels, hypochromic anemia is a true medical disorder that can plague people and result in changes to skin color. This illness may have been exacerbated by malnutrition, providing it a viable explanation for the appearance of the Green Children. The weird language they speak and their dislike of traditional cuisine are two details of their story that this explanation does not fully account for.

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7. Adaptation to Local Environment

It’s interesting to note that certain scholars have hypothesized that the Green Children’s distinct appearance may be the consequence of genetic adaptation to the local environment. Their greenish complexion may have resulted from a genetic characteristic brought on by generations of local habitation, which may have provided some advantage in their environment.

According to this theory, which is based on the concept of evolutionary adaptation, the Green Children’s green skin may have had some adaptive advantages, such as protection from specific environmental factors. It is difficult to verify this notion, though, because there aren’t any historical records or genetic data from the period.

8. Symbolic Allegory

Not all theories are primarily concerned with the children’s physical characteristics. According to some historians, the story of the Green Children may be an allegory, symbolizing a moral or religious teaching of the period. This view suggests that the green skin and enigmatic origin could be a metaphor rather than a true narrative.

In medieval literature and culture, symbolic allegories were widely used to impart moral or religious lessons. Although this theory offers a fascinating interpretation of the story, it is still just a notion.

9. Time Travelers or Alien Visitors

There are ideas that contend that the Green Children might have been time travelers or alien visitors for those who gravitate toward the fanciful interpretations. These theories frequently entail intricate conjectures regarding cutting-edge technology or unintentional temporal displacement.

Science fiction and speculative literature frequently feature the concepts of time travel and extraterrestrial contact. But these hypotheses stay firmly in the realm of fantasy because there is no solid scientific data to back them up.

10. A Historical Hoax or Fictional Tale

Last but not least, some doubters believe that the entire legend of the Green Children may be a historical fraud or a made-up myth created for a variety of reasons, such as entertainment or political criticism. According to this theory, the story was made up and the kids didn’t really exist.

Given that stories have been made up throughout history for a variety of purposes, including amusement and political objectives, the concept of a historical hoax or made-up narrative is not uncommon. However, it is crucial to take into account the historical setting and validity of the sources that have been used to preserve the tale down through the generations.

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In conclusion, The Green Children of Woolpit, an intriguing historical mystery that has persisted for generations, continues to be a source of fascination and wonder. Although the exact origin of these mysterious siblings may never be known, the variety of interpretations put forward here demonstrates the tale’s ongoing attraction. The tale of the Green Children continues to be a perplexing tale that encourages us to consider the secrets of our history, regardless of whether you believe in the supernatural, choose scientific solutions, or love the prospect of time travel and extraterrestrial contacts.

