What Makes a Great Leader?

While a rhetorical question, I really want to know what you think…seriously what qualities do you admire in a leader, and which do you think you have?

Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

An even bigger, deeper question to consider is this: what traits are you missing as a leader?

Why am I asking these questions? Because I have been asked to present to a leadership class and have my own thoughts and ideas about leadership and what traits and characteristics constitute what many would consider to be vital to effective leadership.

John Maxwell has written many books on leadership as have many others. Most of them are very good at outlining the values, traits, and characteristics of effective leaders. How to lead by example, etc.

Not to diminish the performance metrics of most leaders such as team/business productivity or ability to cast a vision and drive short-term profits, but I want something more. Something sticky. Intangible. Not formulaic. I am looking for your subjective ideas of what makes a great leader.

Some words that come to mind are: Trust. Belief (in themselves as a leader), and confidence in their ability to lead and inspire others to perform at their highest level. Integrity. Vulnerability. Focus. The ability to cast a vision while also equipping and encouraging others to be a part of it—To create a mission that is not selfish or greedy.

What other traits, values, or characteristics to you believe are important for effective leadership? And, if you are a leader what do you do to improve as a leader.

I appreciate any feedback you can offer. Please comment onthis post or send me a note. You can find me at shawnlangwell.com.

Shawn Langwell is an author, speaker, and recovered alcoholic with 35+ years of continuous sobriety. He writes and talks on a variety of topics and is available to address any audience, anywhere on the topics of leadership, recovery, business strategy, goal setting, and time management.



Shawn Langwell, Author, Speaker, Coach, Consultant

I write inspirational stories on topics that matter: life, love, recovery, belief, spirituality, mindset, marketing, writing, leadership, and self-improvement.