Ways to Develop a Strong Career According to Shawn Rana

Shawn Rana
2 min readJun 2, 2020


Are you on a path to a career that’s not only fulfilling, but will fuel an enjoyable retirement? The key is to build a strong professional vision and build on it, says Shawn Rana of Winnipeg, Manitoba, who has years of experience in executive and consulting positions in the agrichemicals and gas and oil industries, just to name a couple.

Laying the groundwork can set you on the right path to success. Here are some areas to focus on to end up in a long-term career that is both financially and personally rewarding.

Identify Your Strengths and Interests

Sure, you can become a doctor or a lawyer if you’re willing to put in the years of study. However, while that provides for gainful employment, it doesn’t mean you will get any satisfaction from it or want to practice for the duration of your working years.

Before you decide to dive into a career, you need to ask yourself what your personal interests and strengths are and then match them with a path that can provide a viable career, says Shawn Rana. You don’t want to get years into studying or practicing and then realize it’s not right for you so be honest with yourself from the get-go.

Use Networking

For some, networking does not come naturally. However, it’s still a big part of a successful career — it’s how you meet like-minded others that can offer your ideas, or even partner with you to achieve a goal, says Shawn Rana.

Going to networking events or reaching out to other professionals in your field can provide new perspectives that you never would have considered. You should also leverage the power of social media to network.

Continuously Strive to Improve, Says Shawn Rana

Just because you’ve found a career you can bank on; it doesn’t mean you’re set for life. Industries and procedures change, so you should continue to educate yourself and bring your game to the next level to open up new opportunities. You should be raising the bar to achieve as much as you can, while also potentially becoming an authority in your field by blogging or offering instruction or mentoring. Last and perhaps equally important, imagine yourself in the position you want, and you will do things, subconsciously, that will move you towards that goal without knowing.

Hard work and know-how are important to a career, but following these fundamental tips can turn a mediocre career into one you can reflect on proudly, says Shawn Rana.



Shawn Rana

Senior Executive and Consultant in the agricultural industry. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. University of Manitoba Alumni— B.S. Mechanical Engineering.