Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang “Re-education Camp” №27 新疆再教育集中营卫星图 27

Shawn Zhang
2 min readJul 19, 2018


Re-education camp in Akto 阿克陶城北轻工业园职业技能教育培训中心

39°15'37.00"N, 76° 0'6.35"E

There is a news mentions that the Jiangxi Governor Liu Qi inspected Assistant to Xinjiang projects (援疆). He visited a reeducation center in Akto county’s city north light industrial park (城北轻工业园).

According to the description in Akto government’s website, the city north light industrial park is the area shown in the image below. The camp is in the red circle.

We can see watchtower inside the camp.

We can also see the razor wire fences surrounding the buildings inside the camp. published ground level photos of this camp:

We can match these photos with satellite image:

