Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang “Re-education Camp” №35 新疆再教育集中营卫星图 35

Shawn Zhang
3 min readAug 20, 2018


Re-education camp in Kashgar. 喀什职业技能教育培训中心

39°27'06.5"N 76°06'36.9"E

I think this is Kashgar city’s main camp.

We can see extensive use of razor wire fences inside the camp. Almost every building inside the camp has razor wire fences.

This location is marked as Kashgar Bureau of Vocational Skill Education Training Service Management 喀什职业技能教育培训服务管理局 (教陪局 Education Training Bureau) . Xinjiang set up this province-wide bureau in 2017 or 2018 to manage re-education camps.

I find the address for this camp from a company registration.

The address of this food company is in the “education training bureau, the north side of Latitude 11 Road, Kashgar East New City” .

The shareholder of this company is Kashgar Old City Development Company, which is a financing platform company and is owned by Kashgar State Owned Asset Management Center. Registered capital is 20 million RMB. It is a relatively large company. It is possible that detainees in the camp are required to work in this food company.

This company registration indicates education training bureau is located in the north of Latitude 11 Road. In the above image, the yellow line is Latitude 11 Road. There are only 4 compounds in the north of the road. №1 is the a primary school 喀什市东城丝路小学. №2 is a middle school 深喀二中. №3 is public security bureau 新疆生产建设兵团第三师公安局. So the education training bureau could only be located in red circle №4.

Moreover, there is a tender notice suggesting Kashgar East District №4 & 5 & 6 High School are transformed into reeducation camps.

Then I found a Kashgar city planning map. It shows the locations of Kashgar East District №4 & 5 & 6 High Schools. It further confirms that the compounds I identified are actually re-education camps. This notice mentioned in each of these schools, more than one thousand surveillance cameras will be installed. Many re-education camps are originally designed as schools. Fundings are often from coastal provinces or city’s Xinjiang assistance projects援疆. After reeducation campaign started, these new empty campuses are turned into camps.

This camp finished main construction around September or October 2017. Old camp like Kashgar Finance & Trade School dismantled its razor wire fences around November 2017. It is possible that Kashgar moves detainees to this new camp.

We can see the expansion of this camp in recent months. There were two sports fields last year. But now government built 4 new buildings on one of the fields.

