Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang “Re-education Camp” №40 新疆再教育集中营卫星图 40

Shawn Zhang
2 min readSep 7, 2018


Reeducation camp in Shule, Kashgar. 疏勒县巴仁乡培训学校

39.410674, 76.132959

From this satellite image, we can see watchtowers at four corners, razor wire fences inside the compound.

several tender notice mentioned there is a reeducation camp in former Baren Township Government.

This tender notice says the former Baren Township Government will be expanded and reconstructed.

This tender notice says the former Baren Township Government will be installed with barriers, surveillance and teaching equipments.

Another notice also mentioned that the former Baren Township Government is located at №5 village, which is Yang’airike Village

We can compare the changes before (left) and after (right) reconstruction

