Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang “Re-education Camp” №41 新疆再教育集中营卫星图41

Shawn Zhang
3 min readSep 8, 2018


re-education camp in Maralbishi. 巴楚县法制教育转化学校

39.818870, 78.518519

This tender notice suggests Maralbishi has a legal education conversion school in industrial park.

This area below is Maralbishi’s industrial park. The red circled place is the re-education camp.

This notice also suggests there are factories in this school. It is soliciting bids for modification of 17 factory buildings. (the original words are “1、7栋标准厂房”, which doesn’t make any sense. I think it is very likely a typo or an error when publishing in the website. The correct phrase is likely “17 栋标准厂房”). In the above satellite image, we can see 17 blue roofed factory buildings.

This camp can be roughly divided into 5 zones. Zone 1 is administrative buildings. Zone 2 is teaching buildings. Zone 3 & Zone 4 are dorms and they are separated by walls. Zone 5 is factories. Zone 3 and Zone 5 are connected. Zone 4 and Zone 2 are connected. It suggests detainees are separated into two groups. One third detainees are working in the factories. Two third detainees are attending political education.

We can see how zones are connected here: The thick blue line are actually secured corridors connecting dorms (zone 3) and factories (zone 5). We can see similar corridors in some camps in Gulja 伊宁 and other places. But the corridors here are much longer and sophisticated than any other camps.

Detainees walk out of dorm buildings, then enter secured corridor in the red circle, which crosses the wall of dorm zone. Then detainees follow the corridors to each gate of factories. This can also confirms that some re-education detainees are required to undertake works in factories.

Similarly, between zone 4 and zone 2, there are also corridors. The red circled place is the entrance of corridors from dorms. The corridors are connected to teaching buildings.

We can even see detainee are lining up in front of the corridors waiting to enter the teaching buildings. The detainees are divided into two groups. One group all is dressed in red. The other is in blue.

