Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang “Re-education Camp” №51 新疆再教育集中营卫星图 51

Shawn Zhang
2 min readSep 22, 2018


re-education camp in Shule, Kashgar. 疏勒县职业技能教育培训中心(老保安公司)

39.407461, 76.094108

This tender notice suggest the former security company (老保安公司) is turned into a re-education camp.

One power outage notice suggest the former security company is located at Jiefang Road. In the image below, the red line is Jiefang Road, and the red circle is the camp.

This compound is originally designed as Baren Township №1 Middle School. Then it is used as Security Company. In 2017, it was turned into camp.

The location can be further confirmed by the constructions specifications. The notice says two teaching buildings (1&2), 16 color roof shed classrooms (3&4) will be built. The teaching buildings will be 12,914 sqm. From the satellite, building 1 is 1,490 sqm per floor, building 2 is 1,600 sqm. Both are 4 stories high. So the total area is 12,360 sqm. The color roof sheds from the satellite are 652*2= 1,304 sqm, which is the same with the number in the notice (1,300 sqm)

