Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang “Re-education Camp” №56 新疆再教育集中营卫星图 56

Shawn Zhang
3 min readSep 28, 2018


Re-education camp in Gulja/Yining. 伊宁市英也尔职业技能教育培训中心

43.977428, 81.138830

The location evidence is from a company registration record. A Yining government owned investment & financing platform company received permits for the construction of four major buildings in re-education camp in Yingye’er township. The issue date of construction permit is April. 8, 2018. The satellite images shows the construction of these four buildings started a few weeks before May 5, 2018.

Another piece of evidence is fire inspection record. It shows the address of the above re-education camp, which is located in Yingye’er township’s north hillside.

This image below is Yingye’er township. The large red circle is north hillside. The small orange circle is the re-education camp.

This camp is very large. I think it is Yining city’s major camp. It is still under construction and will be finished very soon. This place has a very strange road that looks like an entrance to something underground. But there is no entrance gate.

My guess is that this place was previously built for military. An underground warehouse was designed but not built. After finishing preliminary construction, this place remains empty for almost two years. Then Yining government repurposed it as a re-education camp and built additional buildings. (left March 2016, middle October 2017, right August 2018)

