Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang “Re-education Camp” №69 新疆再教育集中营卫星图 69

Shawn Zhang
2 min readDec 24, 2018


Yengisar re-education camp 英吉沙法制培训学校

38.960800, 76.156387

we can see how this apartment complex is transformed into camp

I highlight the camp boundary walls in red

The location is baed on a tender notice, which says there is a camp in Hengfeng Garden Community恒丰花园小区

This land transaction notice suggests Hengfeng Garden is in the south of Limin Road, east of Guangming Road, south of Wuqia Road.

We can locate Guangming Road in Baidu map

News suggests there is a new fire station near the crossing of Renmin Road and Limin Road.

We can locate this fire station in Gaode Map

So based on the above information, we can locate Limin Road and Guangming Road. So this can prove the complex I identified is Hengfeng Garden.

