Elgamal Digital Signature Scheme

Shayan Makwana
2 min readMay 13, 2023


The ElGamal Digital Signature Scheme is a public key cryptographic algorithm used for generating and verifying digital signatures. It is based on the principles of the ElGamal encryption system and the discrete logarithm problem.

The ElGamal Digital Signature Scheme involves the following steps for generating and verifying digital signatures:

1. Key Generation: A user generates a public key and a private key. The public key consists of the values p, g, and y, where p is a large prime number, g is a generator of the multiplicative group modulo p, and y = g^x mod p, where x is the private key.

2. Signing: To sign a message M, the signer performs the following steps:

a. Generate a random number k such that 1 < k < p-1.
b. Calculate r = g^k mod p.
c. Calculate h = hash(M), where hash is a fixed-size hash function. d. Calculate s = (h — xr) * k^-1 mod (p-1).
e. The signature of the message M is the pair (r, s).

3. Verifying: To verify the signature (r, s) of a message M, the verifier performs the following steps:

a. Verify that 1 < r < p-1 and 0 < s < p-1. If either condition is not satisfied, the signature is invalid.

b. Calculate h = hash(M).
c. Calculate v1 = (y^r * r^s) mod p.
d. Calculate v2 = g^h mod p.
e. If v1 = v2, the signature is valid. Otherwise, the signature is invalid.

The ElGamal Digital Signature Scheme uses a fixed-size hash function to produce a message digest, which is then used to generate and verify digital signatures. The private key is used to sign the message, and the public key is used to verify the signature.

The ElGamal Digital Signature Scheme provides several advantages over other digital signature algorithms. It is relatively easy to implement and provides a high level of security against attacks, including forgery, tampering, and impersonation. Additionally, the algorithm provides a high level of key security, as the private key is never transmitted or shared.

However, the ElGamal Digital Signature Scheme also has limitations. It is computationally intensive and requires large key sizes to ensure security. Additionally, it is vulnerable to certain attacks, such as key compromise and side-channel attacks.

Overall, the ElGamal Digital Signature Scheme is an important cryptographic tool for secure digital communication and transactions. Its efficient and secure nature has made it a popular choice for digital signature applications.

