Fading Remnants

Shayarana Yaar
3 min readJun 7, 2023


Once upon a time in a quaint little village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a reclusive writer named Arjun. Known for his remarkable storytelling abilities, Arjun was a revered figure in the village, with wisdom and age etched upon his face. Despite his reclusive nature, he had garnered immense respect and intrigue from the townsfolk.

Arjun’s solitude stemmed from a deep sorrow that resided within him — a sorrow that had taken root long ago. As the years went by, he became a master at weaving tales, transforming his own melancholy into captivating stories that resonated with others. But beneath his accomplished exterior, he carried the weight of unfulfilled love and faded memories.

One day, a young woman named Maya arrived in the village, seeking solace from her own troubled past. Maya was drawn to the enigmatic aura surrounding Arjun, and she yearned to uncover the stories hidden beneath his wrinkled facade.

Intrigued by Maya’s curiosity, Arjun decided to share his own tale of woe. With a heavy heart, he spoke of a love lost in the passage of time, encapsulated in letters, photographs, and dried flowers — remnants of a bygone era. As he recited the shayari that had haunted him for years, the emotions resurfaced, and his voice quivered with a mix of longing and sorrow.

Maya listened intently, her eyes brimming with empathy. She understood the depths of Arjun’s pain and saw a reflection of her own experiences in his melancholic words. Determined to alleviate his suffering, Maya embarked on a mission to breathe life into the fading remnants of his past.

Together, Arjun and Maya embarked on a journey, retracing the steps of his lost love. They visited places long forgotten, seeking traces of the woman who had left an indelible mark on Arjun’s soul. As they ventured through dusty attics, delved into musty albums, and explored the abandoned corners of the village, each discovery unfolded a poignant chapter of Arjun’s love story.

With each step, the faded photographs regained their vibrancy, the dried flowers exuded a faint fragrance, and the letters whispered long-forgotten promises. The nishaniyan, the remnants, which had once saddened Arjun, now filled him with a renewed sense of hope.

Through their relentless pursuit, Arjun and Maya uncovered tales of sacrifice, unspoken words, and missed opportunities. They witnessed the essence of love entwined with regrets, as if time had preserved the pain within these artifacts. Yet, their shared journey also allowed them to heal wounds that had been left untreated for far too long.

Arjun, with Maya’s support, found solace in the realization that the memories he cherished were not mere relics of the past, but living fragments of his soul. He understood that love, in its purest form, transcends time and space, and its echoes can be heard in the most unexpected places.

As the village became witness to the transformation of Arjun’s spirit, they too began to believe in the power of embracing the past, even with its bittersweet memories. Maya, the catalyst for this change, had discovered her own strength through helping others find theirs.

The faded remnants of Arjun’s lost love had now become symbols of resilience and resilience. They became testaments to the beauty of holding onto memories, even when they hurt. The village, once ignorant of the weight that Arjun carried, now saw him as a beacon of light, shining amidst the darkness.

Arjun continued to write, not just tales of fiction but stories that spoke to the human condition, stories that touched hearts and stirred emotions. And in every word he penned, the essence of his lost love permeated, reminding others of the power that love held — its ability to both wound and heal, to leave scars and yet kindle the flames of hope.

With the company of Maya, Arjun embarked on a new chapter of his life, one infused with renewed passion and purpose. The village celebrated their journey, acknowledging the role of faded remnants in shaping their lives and connecting them with the universal tapestry of love.

And as the sun set over the village, casting a golden hue upon the rolling hills, the spirit of Arjun’s lost love lingered, whispering through the wind, reminding everyone that true love, even in its absence, can forever leave an indelible mark on the human heart.

