The Personal OS — The Power of 1%

Shay Cohen
3 min readJun 13, 2018


The Power of 1 percent

(This is part of the Personal OS series that can be found here)

Many of us (hopefully) are familiar with the compound effect with regards to their bank savings:
“Deposit 100$ into your saving account and after 1 year you will get 105$” (assuming your bank is giving you 5% interest)
After 20 years you will have 265.3$. Which is 265.3% of your original investment. Nice.
This is what we call “let your money work for you…”.

What happens when you are taking the compound effect and apply it to your life. Your habits.
If you could improve only 1% every day, you will get an improvement of almost 3800% after just one year (1.01³⁶⁵= 37.8). WTF ?!
What will happen if you decrease your ability in just 1% every day? After only one year you will get down to 3% of your original amount (0.99³⁶⁵= 0.03).
This is amazing!

So what is the takeaway? You only need to improve small things in your life— tiny gains every day and eventually, you will see a huge improvement.

The power of tiny gains

Although 1% sound like a very small amount, improving by 1% every day is a lot. Nevertheless, the principal is the same — consistently perform tiny gains on a daily basis and you will see the improvement.

Some suggestions of small (baby steps) improvement you can take every day:

  1. drink 1 more glass water
  2. eat 1 more vegetable
  3. save 50$
  4. take the stairs
  5. get off the bus 1 stop earlier
  6. park a car on the other side of the parking lot
  7. take the long way when walking
  8. workout for (additional) 10 minutes
  9. go to sleep 30 minutes earlier
  10. read one (more) page in a book
  11. write one (more) paragraph in your blog
  12. breath for 1 minute a day
  13. say thank you to your peers
  14. say I love you to your family

What are YOUR tiny gains ?! comments below to share with us.

More from the Personal OS:

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