Karl Marx

Shayla Atkinson
2 min readAug 25, 2016


Karl Marx is a founder of sociology during the nineteenth century. His ideas and theories are still used and relevant in today’s sociology teachings. Based on his work he is the most influential figure in the history of sociology. From the reading he has made the biggest impact with his social conflict theory, which is still used today.

The social conflict theory says that human behavior in a social context is influenced by conflicts between two competing groups. He thought the conflicts were between two social classes. It was explained that in a capitalist system, where it is big in private industry, there would be conflict between these classes. This was mostly because lower classes were used by the upper classes and eventually the lower class would realize this and conflict would arise.

This theory applies greatly still today and has brought insight on society. For Karl Marx to bring this theory to sociology, he and his theory is most influential to sociology. If one were to look back on past event in history, such as the civil war, it’ll be found that this theory does apply. For example, conflict arouse because one class was being treated unfairly by another class and it eventually lead to the civil war. Even today, with race issues, minorities believe they are treated unfairly by other people which leads to conflict among society. This theory can also be used for the motives of criminals. If a lower class citizen feel like they are not given what upper class people are they may take it upon them selves to steal and commit other crimes, thus creating a conflict in society.

Since Karl Marx brought this theory to sociology and it having great impact throughout history and today, he is the most influential figure in sociology.

