Five tips from Shayne Damron to become a good Drummer.

Shayne damron
3 min readDec 10, 2022

The best drummers don’t happen by accident. We are all amazed when the best drummers play their hearts and make us all give up. Although it looks easy, becoming a great drummer takes a lot of work. Of course, you hope to practice a lot and develop your style, but there are other factors to consider. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an aspiring session star, these 5 motivational tips will help you grow as a drummer.

Back to basics.

Drummers often try to run before they can walk, which can lead to bad habits and gaps in their skills. Mastering the basics of drumming is the best way to lay a solid foundation for future development. We recommend devoting at least some of your practice time to perfecting single and double beats, as well as key basics like the paradise and the five-bar throw. You’ll be ready to take your playing to the next level once you can execute these drum fundamentals with solid consistency, dynamics, and timing.

Improve your fitness.

A 2008 study found that 90-minute sets behind equipment required the same amount of endurance as professional soccer players playing a full game. Therefore, keeping fit is important if you want to look your best. Cardiovascular activities such as running or cycling can significantly improve impact resistance, while strength training can improve strength, reflexes, and injury prevention. Stretching and warming up before a game will at least get your blood pumping and keep your joints and muscles from straining.

Improve your diet.

What you eat has a direct impact on your performance behind the kit, believe it or not. Foods high in fat, salt, or refined sugar negatively impact your mood, energy levels, and recovery time after gaming. A nutritious and balanced diet has the opposite effect. Protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish, and eggs; healthy fats like avocado and nuts; carbohydrates such as brown rice and sweet potatoes; and an abundance of fruits and vegetables provide the best drum fuel. While a cup of coffee or a glass of beer may sound more tempting, nothing beats a glass of water for joint health, information retention, and alertness — all the things a budding drummer needs.

Get out and play

As fun as practicing solo, nothing beats playing with other musicians to improve your drumming. At the very least, it will increase your confidence in your kit and your ability to collaborate musically, but it can also result in experiences in live and studio environments. Open mic nights are a great way to play with other musicians in a supportive, relaxed environment without band commitments, and Facebook groups and forums are a great way to find band members and friends to play with.

Watch out for other drummers.

Just as playing with other musicians can help you improve your drumming, watching other drummers improve can also help you. Watch YouTube videos of your drummer hero or visit a local drum clinic to see the pros in action. Some drum stars even give private lessons; This is a rare but valuable opportunity to improve your own game. If you’re the equivalent of a great local drummer, watch what he’s doing and put your mind to it after the soundcheck. Finally, why not take pictures and evaluate yourself from the comfort of your own home? This is the easiest way to identify and fix bugs in your game.

About Author- Shayne Damron is one of the well-known personalities in the United States. He is the lead drummer in the band called RAK-45 and is also writing original material in the country, rock, and metal genres.



Shayne damron

Shayne Damron is a well-known celebrity in the United States. He is the lead drummer in the band RAK-45 and writes original country, rock, and metal genres.