Green Flags in Yourself: Meaning, Importance and Signs

Put your energy where it matters

Shaynerose Magabi 🌟
5 min readApr 27, 2023
Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

We invest so much time and effort spotting red flags in others and sometimes ourselves.

People get so blinded by trying to shield themselves from harm even when not in danger. We forget to look at the positive side.

Have you ever wondered,

  • “What do I like about myself?”
  • “What is the most common compliment I’ve ever received?”
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As a result of our brains being wired to focus on the negative, we often overlook the positives. You’ll read articles that shed light on the green flags to look for in others but how about turning the focus on ourselves.

This article will examine the three green flags you should look for in yourself.

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What are green flags?

Green flags as the name suggests are positive indicators of yourself or others. It’s a reflection of your relationship with yourself. They help you identify what you need to improve on, what you succeed in and how far you’ve come in your self reflection journey.

These indicators also help you identify the steps needed to take to achieve a healthy and long-lasting relationship with yourself.

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Once you identify the attributes you can constantly improve and build, you are able to develop a secure bond with yourself and others as well.

Why is it important to recognize our own green flags?

We can develop a wider emotional quotient once we recognize our green flags. Our self-awareness heightens and we can identify and respond to our triggers or certain situations in an informed manner. In order to achieve our desired outcome, we question our behaviors, values, personalities, and beliefs.

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Green Flag #1: Treat yourself with kindness.

  • Do you forgive yourself for past mistakes?
  • Are you your biggest supporter?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions above, you’re on the right track. This is a clear sign that you are kind to yourself. Loving yourself unconditionally and appreciating your efforts, failures and successes is healthy.

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You are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, stress or insecurity issues if you love and put yourself first.

You can exercise kindness towards yourself through positive self-talk and having an adaptive attitude to failure.

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We often treat our friends, family and strangers with kindness without giving it a second thought. However, when it comes to extending grace towards ourselves we struggle. We beat ourselves up over past mistakes and indulge in self-limiting beliefs.

Green Flag #2: You set and respect your boundaries.

Boundaries help you create and maintain healthy spaces between you and others.

Allow yourself to say no and take time for yourself sometimes. You need to understand that your body needs to be charged to fully enjoy future tasks.

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It may be uncomfortable at first but with practice and allowing yourself to take baby steps you can truly learn how show up for yourself.

Respect your boundaries by standing up for yourself when confronted with disrespectful behavior.

This approach allows you to clearly communicate your boundaries. Go out of your way to ensure you seek comfort and safety in any situation.

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Green Flag #3: You allow yourself to feel.

This approach helps you move forward instead of feeling and getting stuck. Accepting that there’s no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ emotions enables you to connect with your vulnerable side.

Bottling things up is a dangerous trait that leaves you physically drained and emotionally exhausted.

Photo by Mojtaba Ravanbakhsh on Unsplash

The approach prevents you from releasing things, people and events that no longer serve you. Always remember that your feelings are valid. The more you struggle with your feelings, the more suffering you experience. If you numb your sadness, you will also numb your happiness.

Remember that emotions are waves. They come and go.

One of the biggest problems people have is pointing fingers at others rather than themselves.

Photo by Elyas Pasban on Unsplash

In this case, we often notice green flags in others but rarely look at ourselves in the mirror and highlight or appreciate our positive side.

  • We are our worst critics and harshly nitpick our flaws.

Identifying and becoming self-aware of our green flags leads us down the road to becoming the most authentic and happiest version of ourselves.

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Photo by Mubariz Mehdizadeh on Unsplash



Shaynerose Magabi 🌟

Poet| Relationship & Life Coach| Shaynerose has a passion for helping people connect with their emotions and explore thought provoking ideas through words