You’re With The Wrong Person If You Have These 3 Feelings

We all want love but not at the expense of our tears.

Shaynerose Magabi 🌟
5 min readMar 29, 2023
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Love is about meeting in the middle. There is no doubt that questioning your compatibility is the biggest indicator of leaving a relationship.

If your relationship feels one-sided then you’re paired with the wrong person. Feeling uncertain, uncomfortable or rejected by your partner is a clear sign that you’re with the wrong person.

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The universe may be trying to tell you something.

Reading this article will help you understand and distinguish the feelings that may sink your relationship boat.

1. Feeling uncomfortable around your partner.

Feeling : Discomfort/Uncomfortable.

This is a confusing experience to wrap your head around.

Shouldn’t you be most comfortable around your boyfriend or girlfriend?

You may wonder.

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I hate to break it to you but this is a clear sign that you’re not compatible and meant to be.

Your vulnerable side will show when you’re around your significant other. No one can explain this feeling but love makes us let our guards down and act selflessly.

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We share the most uncomfortable truths, wildest dreams and hopes about our past, future or beliefs with a significant other.

Therefore, feeling uneasy around them is a clear sign that you do not trust your partner fully.

If your gut says no, listen to it.

Relationships that show a dwindle in romance, lack of desire or passion may cause a partner to feel unwanted.

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This is extremely common for long-term couples.

However, an exception is made for individuals who have experienced emotional pain, loss or rejection.

This leads them to feel uncomfortable in any relationship they are involved in. Any form of intimacy may trigger anxiety.

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Here are 8 understandable and common reasons you may feel uncomfortable around them.

  • You have just started dating and the relationship is new.
  • You love spending time alone and value personal space
  • You get annoyed with certain actions or quirks about your partner.
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No one is flawless, we don’t like certain things about our partners and that’s okay.

  • It’s not because you’ve found someone, or because the spark is no longer there; it’s simply because you’ve fallen in love with them.
  • Your trust level towards your partner is low. This may mean that your relationship has run its course.
  • They ignore your boundaries.
  • Objectify you, disrespect you, and treat or love you based on your physical appearance.
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  • The relationship is moving too fast but things are getting serious.

Couples may feel uncomfortable when the relationship is just beginning or is old. Partners can develop a tendency to be together to the point where it irritates them and they need time alone. Change may also breed discomfort in relationships.

2. You feel uncertain about the future with them.

Feeling: Doubt.

That feeling indicates uncertainty and is a bad sign and problematic when partners avoid resolving it.

Your partner’s spending habits and inability to receive constructive feedback may hinder the possibility of developing a long-term relationship.

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Partners that show a lack of improvement in areas that have been addressed many times are not viable partners to consider.

Nevertheless, if you have feelings of self-doubt, insecurity and low self-esteem, sit this one out.

Don’t break up with your partner don’t let your fears push your partner away.

All relationships hit rocky periods at one time. Your partner may be the most generous and loving partner. However, if you doubt that they make exemplary parents, you should reflect on it by communicating those fears.

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3. Your partner rejects you in several areas of the relationship.

Feeling: Rejection.

It’s difficult to communicate and form an emotional connection when you feel rejected by your partner. It’s normal to feel rejected at one point in your relationship but it raises eyebrows when it occurs repeatedly.

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Rejection may damage your self-worth and psychological health. A partner that loves you during the good times and shuns you during difficult times isn’t an ideal pick for a partner.

If a partner insists on not conforming to labels or publicly display of affection (PDA) and refuses to negotiate a suitable option to express love, then they aren't 'the one'.

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Finding a middle ground that is acceptable to both of you is crucial.

How to deal with any of the feelings mentioned above:

  • Communicate.

Address the issue and voice your concerns from an honest viewpoint. Love may blind you to telling apart such feelings in your relationship.

A unsuitable match may cause more harm and heartbreak than good.

These feelings are pointers that confirm red flags in a relationship.

Photo by Zachary Keimig on Unsplash

Rip off the rose-tinted glasses and accept the situation. No matter how ugly it is identifying and being in the know early enough enables you to heal and take the necessary steps to change the outcome.

Thank you for reading. Clap and follow for more enlightening articles.

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Shaynerose Magabi 🌟

Poet| Relationship & Life Coach| Shaynerose has a passion for helping people connect with their emotions and explore thought provoking ideas through words