I’m Grateful for Halloween

Shayne Seymour
3 min readNov 1, 2018

What an odd thing to say? “I’m grateful for Halloween.” It’s one thing to love Halloween or not be particularly fond of it, but to be grateful for it? It seems so odd to me.

“greyscale photography of skeleton” by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Yet, here I am being grateful for Halloween on this night that I did absolutely nothing to celebrate Halloween.

I didn’t dress up, trick-or-treat or hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. I got a haircut.

I Want to Celebrate Halloween More

Last year I told myself I would. During my Christmas break I mapped out the year and planned when I’d dig out the decorations, so they’d be put up in plenty of time for Halloween.

My timeline included hosting a Halloween party and everything.

That’s because we’re moving. I mentioned it here:

Now here I am on Halloween. The house hasn’t sold. We haven't found the next place to live, and I’m wondering about Christmas lights. Am I going to put up Christmas lights knowing we may move soon?

I Said I’m Grateful for Halloween!



Shayne Seymour

Happiness is my superpower. Travel, Gratitude and Mindfulness are my Infinity Stones. Humor is my Patronus. www.IndependentlyHappy.com