8 Effective Ways To Cure Weak Eyesight

Shazeel Hassan
5 min readSep 21, 2021


Meetings, assignments, gossiping, and working. Everything is done on mobiles/laptops. It doesn’t matter if you are working from home or in offices, laptops and mobiles are always necessary.

Everyone from children to adults is hopelessly addicted to spending most of their time on screen.

But! How will you feel if I tell you that you are going to lose your eyesight gradually and end up having weak eyesight? That doesn’t sound good, right? So, should you bid your leave to the screen? Oh! Even that’s not possible.

Don’t worry; I am here to help. I am a freelance writer myself and spend 5–6 or sometimes more hours working on my laptop/mobile. Last week, I went to my eye doctor, and I couldn’t believe my ears when he said my eyesight was perfectly fine. Wait, what? How? The answer to your how is: It is easy.

Our body is like a machine; it needs proper care to work efficiently. In our busy lives, we barely pay attention to ourselves. Eyes are one of the biggest blessings we have, and it’s our responsibility to protect them.

These are some simple yet efficient tips for those who want to prevent weak eyesight and those who already have weak eyesight and are finding a way out of specs.

  1. Yoga for eyesight
yoga for treating weak eyesight

There is nothing that yoga can’t cure. Take some time out and practice these easy yoga poses for healthy eyes.

  • Palming Pose

Rub your palms until your palms are warm enough. Keep each palm on each eye and let the eyes soak in the warmth. It helps in relaxing the eye muscle.

  • Blink Pose

While working, we hardly realize that we are looking at the screen for a long time and our eyes are getting dry.

Blink your eyes rapidly for 2–3 minutes. It helps the eyes to get wet again. You can practice it easily anywhere, but, if you find it weird then you can practice it somewhere alone like in a room or your car.

Remember! nothing more important than treating weak eyesight. However, there is an easy alternative below. Keep reading until you find it.

  • Point Pose

Our eyes are made to look here and there, near and far, right and left. But we keep looking at the screen which is very near.

Put your forefinger between your eyes and move it forward while looking at it. Do this 5–10 times. Oh no! Did your boss see you? Well, I didn’t ask you to do it in the office.

2) Eyewash

eyewash for weak eyesight

Here is an alternative I was talking about. Blinking doesn’t always work; your eyes can get tired. Rather than blinking, try washing your eyes several times a day.

All you need is a bottle of rosewater and an eyewash cup. Put ten drops of rosewater and fill the empty cup with cold/tap water. After filling the cup, wash your eye with it. It reduces inflammation or any kind of irritation and prevents your eyesight from getting weak.

3) Magical powder

almonds for weak eyesight

It is my grandmother’s secret recipe and personally my favorite. It can effortlessly remove your spectacles within some months.

You can eat it in powdered form in the morning and night or boil it with milk. Okay, okay, here is the secret recipe. Take equal parts of almonds, fennels, and rock sugar, and 1 Tbsp of black and white pepper. Grind all the ingredients together and store the powder in an air-tight jar.

Almonds are rich in vitamins E, fennels have antioxidants and are known as the herb of sight, black/white pepper makes the eyes stronger with their antibacterial property while rock sugar provides a sweet taste.

No doubt, it is a complete package but choosing the right quality ingredients is also essential.

4) Breaks

You have been working way too much. Your body and eyes need a break. Take a break from the screen after every 20–30 minutes. Close your eyes and let them relax a bit before you get back to the screen. Look at greenery or things that are far from you to keep the focus of your eyes stable.

5) Nutrition

healthy and nutrition full diet for preventing weak eyesight

Are you taking enough nutrition? If not, start now. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and omegas. Consume food like almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, carrots, lean meat, and green vegetables. These are exceptionally good for eyesight and overall health.

Keep the nuts and granola bar on your table and eat it whenever your eyes catch it.

6) Blue light Protection

Note that blue light is the biggest enemy of our eyes. It can harm our eyes in many ways. It not only affects our eyesight but weakens our brain cells.

Blue light also prevents the production of hormones that are responsible for sleeping. Yes, that’s why you can’t sleep at night. Use an anti-glare and blue-light-blocking screen protector and wear zero lens glasses. If you already have weak eyesight, never remove your glasses while on the screen and clean the glass after every few days.

7) Say no to the screen in the dark.

No late-night chatting and gossiping anymore. Sometimes, I have this sudden urge to search for random things on google, but you have to have self-control. In the dark, our eyes use their natural light and eventually lose it, which results in weak eyesight and loosening of the muscles.

8) Oil

Here is one more secret from my grandmother’s diary. Whenever you cut your toenails and massage mustard oil on your toes, it will do wonders. Mustard oil has many health benefits for the skin, internal health, and eyes.

Put the coconut oil into your belly button and massage your belly for 5 minutes, and see the magic happens.

Oh waittt! I forgot that I have been writing this without a break. Let me go and pamper my eyes. I hope I was able to help you. See you soon, without glasses.



Shazeel Hassan

I am certified in English language from US affiliated program. writing and opening myself to new experiences is my passion.