A visual recap of my presentation at TC2022!

The Chronicles of a Data Rookie
3 min readMay 25, 2022


ID: Social/Network of support

My session on “More Viral Vizzing Fun” with Irene Diomi of Information Lab was well received at #tc22 recently. We also got requests from others who missed the session or could not attend TC22 to redo and record the session! I am just very glad that our session caught a lot of attention so thanks for the interest. Meanwhile, I thought it could also be cool to adapt my presentation to a short comic story that you can read in your free time. As I adapted the presentation to comic form, there could be information and representation of information that are different from what I presented at the conference. This comic aims at capturing the gist of the presentation. I am also taking the opportunity to use the comic to add additional information that I may miss in the presentation of course, relevant to the topic. Enjoy the comic!

Updated post: I lost my Apple Pencil while working on the comic and had to wait until I can afford another one before I can draw further (SOB!). Nevertheless, the point I wanted to make in the final panel is — there are great storytellers in the #datafam that you can connect with and learn from and they have been telling and handling their complex and difficult personal stories respectfully and in such an inspiring way that you can really learn from their experience and dashboards. My personal favorites are Kimly Scott’s story about her miscarriage and Nicole Klassen’s take on depression. Hope you will enjoy the comic just as much as I enjoy presenting my story at the conference and drawing it for you!

Updated to updated post: I found my Apple pencil and finished the comic! Thank you to everyone especially those who offered to help fund a new pencil for me. That means the world to me!

