pip vs conda?

4 min readFeb 23, 2024


After I shared an Anaconda tutorial, a friend asked me, “Thank you! I wanted to learn about Anaconda. Can you explain what you wrote in the article and what Anaconda is used for?” When I explained it to him, he said, “So why do I need to use it? Isn’t it similar to what pip already does?” That question got me thinking.

Source: Author

· Differences
· Example:
Scenario 1: C++
Scenario 2: GPU

Source: Author

This table summarizes some of the main differences between pip and conda. Both of these package managers are really useful, but they have different strengths and weaknesses and it makes them suitable for different use cases and preferences.


Complex Dependency Management:

If your project needs a complex set of dependencies with specific versions that may conflict with each other, conda’s environment management capabilities can help you create separate environments with the necessary packages without conflicts.

Non-Python Dependencies:

If your project relies on non-Python libraries or packages, conda can manage these dependencies. So it will be easier to install and manage all required components in one environment.

Platform Compatibility:

Conda ensures consistent behavior through different operating systems. So, it is a suitable choice if you need to deploy your project on multiple platforms and want to avoid compatibility issues.

Performance Optimization:

Conda provides precompiled binary packages for popular libraries (usually), which head to better performance compared to pip, especially for scientific computing or machine learning tasks.

Packaging Ecosystem:

If you are working within the scientific computing or data science communities, Anaconda’s ecosystem offers a wide range of pre-built scientific computing libraries and tools that are optimized for performance and compatibility.

Ease of Use for Beginners:

Conda’s user-friendly interface and simplified package management make it an attractive option for beginners or users who prefer a smoother development experience.


Scenario 1: C++

Imagine you’re developing a machine learning model that requires Python libraries like NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn for data processing and model training and your project needs to use a specific version of a C++ library for image processing, which is a non-Python dependency.

In this scenario, using conda would be a better choice because:

  1. Conda allows you to create an isolated environment where you can install Python packages and also manage the installation of the C++ library alongside Python packages.
  2. Conda ensures that the C++ library is installed correctly so there are no compatibility issues when deploying your machine learning model across various environments.
  3. Conda’s user-friendly interface allows you to install and manage both Python and non-Python dependencies. So you have more time to focus on developing your project without worrying about complex setup.

Scenario 2: GPU

Let’s consider another scenario where you’re working on a machine-learning project that requires TensorFlow, a popular deep learning framework, with a specific version of CUDA Toolkit, a GPU-accelerated computing platform, for GPU support.

Using pip alone might encounter challenges in this scenario:

  1. If you have tried to install TensorFlow even once in your life using pip you should remember that you wanted to just leave it as it is and stop using it because it is a real headache especially when you want to install it with GPU support. 🤯 Installing TensorFlow with GPU support needs compatible versions of CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN (CUDA Deep Neural Network library).
  2. TensorFlow has specific version requirements for CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN. If you’re using pip to install TensorFlow and manually manage CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN versions, in this step compatibility can be challenging and error-prone. Mismatched versions can lead to runtime errors or degraded performance.

Conda can handle these challenges effectively:

  1. We said multiple times that Conda’s environment management capabilities allow you to create a separate environment for your project and specify the required versions of TensorFlow, CUDA Toolkit, and cuDNN. Conda will automatically resolve and install compatible versions of all dependencies, all you have to do is press the keys and enjoy the smooth setup process.
  2. Also, Conda provides pre-built binaries for popular libraries like TensorFlow, CUDA Toolkit, and cuDNN, which means the installation process is even simpler. You can install these libraries with a single command, without the need for manual compilation and compatibility checking over different platforms.

In the end, I should say, that we discussed Anaconda offers many advantages but pip is still a popular choice for package management in Python. It is lightweight, straightforward, and widely used, especially for projects that do not require the extensive scientific computing libraries that are in Anaconda. The choice between Anaconda and pip depends on the specific requirements and preferences of you as a user and the nature of the project. We have to consider that conda offers additional features and capabilities that may be useful in certain situations, especially when dealing with complex dependencies or non-Python components.

So, the short answer is:

It all boils down to what floats your boat.

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