Alien Dictionary

Sheefa Naaz
3 min readDec 28, 2023


Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash


Given a sorted dictionary of an alien language having N words and k starting alphabets of standard dictionary. Find the order of characters in the alien language.
Note: Many orders may be possible for a particular test case, thus you may return any valid order and output will be 1 if the order of string returned by the function is correct else 0 denoting incorrect string returned.


1. Topological Sort Function (`topoSort`):
— Initialize an array `indegree` to store the in-degrees of each node.
— Calculate in-degrees for each node by iterating through the adjacency list.
— Initialize a queue (`q`) and add nodes with in-degree 0 to the queue.
— Perform BFS and update in-degrees while adding nodes to the topological order.

2. Alien Dictionary Function (`findOrder`):
— Initialize an adjacency list (`adj`) to represent relationships between characters.
— Build the adjacency list by comparing adjacent words in the dictionary.
— Call the `topoSort` function to get the topological order of characters.
— Convert the topological order to a string.


class Solution {
// Function to perform topological sort using BFS
// Returns a vector representing the topological order
vector<int> topoSort(int V, vector<int> adj[]) {
// Initialize an array to store the in-degrees of each node
int indegree[V] = {0};

// Calculate in-degrees for each node
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
for (auto it : adj[i]) {

// Initialize a queue for BFS
queue<int> q;

// Add nodes with in-degree 0 to the queue
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
if (indegree[i] == 0) {

// Vector to store the topological order
vector<int> topo;

// Perform BFS
while (!q.empty()) {
int node = q.front();

// Add the node to the topological order

// Update in-degrees and add neighbors with in-degree 0 to the queue
for (auto it : adj[node]) {
if (indegree[it] == 0) {

return topo;

// Function to find the order of characters in the alien dictionary
string findOrder(string dict[], int N, int K) {
// Initialize an adjacency list to represent the relationships between characters
vector<int> adj[K];

// Build the adjacency list by comparing adjacent words in the dictionary
for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
string s1 = dict[i];
string s2 = dict[i + 1];
int len = min(s1.size(), s2.size());

// Compare characters at the same position in adjacent words
for (int ptr = 0; ptr < len; ptr++) {
if (s1[ptr] != s2[ptr]) {
// Add an edge in the adjacency list representing the relationship between characters
adj[s1[ptr] - 'a'].push_back(s2[ptr] - 'a');
break; // Stop comparing as soon as a difference is found

// Perform topological sort to get the order of characters
vector<int> topo = topoSort(K, adj);

// Convert the topological order to a string
string ans = "";
for (auto it : topo) {
ans = ans + char(it + 'a');

return ans;



Sheefa Naaz

Passionate about Data Structures and Algorithms | Programming