Finding New Paths

3 min readNov 8, 2023


Many of us would like to believe that we have our entire life planned out. That there is a set plan of routes and expectations for life and we will find success as we go on this rigid path.

I am guilty of this as well.

But many a time, we find that this is not the case and we are struck with various obstacles that disrupt our plan and suddenly, everything seems to suck.

I am a person who doesn't do well with change so any small change sets out a lot of overthinking that is emotionally exhausting.

But I came across a story that is very relatable (at least for me, you will have to make your own call on it once you have finished the story!).

Osiris- King of Egypt and the God of the Underworld

Osiris was the firstborn child of the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut. He acquired his status as the god of fertility and agriculture and was the eldest of 5 siblings- Isis, Set, Horus the Elder and Nephthys.

Coming from a royal line of divine gods, Osiris soon ascended the throne and became the king of the gods and of Egypt. Alongside his wife Isis, they both ruled the great civilization and brought peace and harmony to the nation.

Artistic image of King Osiris, God of Fertility and Agriculture

But Set was jealous of Osiris’ success (there are other versions, such as him wanting Isis for himself, and his wife Nephthys disguising herself to sleep with Osiris, it's a great soap opera for sure).

Either way, Set wanted to get rid of his big brother and take the throne for himself and succeeded.

He trapped Osiris in a coffin which he posed as a gift and threw him into the river Nile. Osiris ended up confined in the trunk of a tree that was then cut down by the king of Byblos who used it as a column in his palace (it gets weirder, I promise).

Isis, with Nephthys’ help, finds him and brings him back to Egypt. While Isis tries to revive him, Set manages to find the body and decides to tear him up into pieces and flings them across Egypt.

Distraught but determined not to give up, she goes around Egypt and brings back every piece (save for the phallus apparently). With the help of Nephthtys and her son Anubis, they renewed the body of Osiris and effectively created the world’s first mummy. She then revives but unfortunately, Osiris can no longer live in the earthly world despite his resurrection and moves on to the Afterlife (not before somehow conceiving their son Horus the Younger).

In the next phase of his life, Osiris takes on the responsibilities of managing the Afterlife and becomes the “God of the Underworld”. He presides as judge, jury and executioner to the souls of the dead and rules as justly as he did in the world of the living.

Artistic image of Osiris, God of the Underworld

Osiris had his entire life planned and set out for him. He was to be the generous and loving ruler of a great nation. But things didn’t go his way (even though he was a god). He was killed and revived and eventually made a new life for himself as the God of the Underworld.

I know it seems crazy, but I feel like as a person who always wants to control every tiny aspect of her life and her environment, this story showed me that despite any problems that we face (not to the extent of death, but something more mundane for us), life has a funny way of figuring things out…




A History Enthusiast who dreams of working in the field of Egyptology