Living in Hypercolor: Embracing Hyperphantasia as My Super Skill

Sheena Marie
4 min readNov 12, 2023

My Hyperphantasia Advantage

If I were to ask you to visualize a cat, people with aphantasia wouldn’t be able to. But people with hyperphantasia, they could see the cat in their mind in great HD or 4k detail. I must have super hyperphantasia because not only can I see the cat in my mind, I don’t even have to close my eyes to see the cat, and I can tell you what colour the cat is, the detailed markings or patterns on the fur, I see textures, and the cat sitting on a kitchen counter. I can see things in Imax 6k detail in my mind. Welcome to the fascinating world of aphantasia and hyperphantasia — the spectrum of our mind’s eye.

Did you know that aphantasia isn’t an all-or-nothing deal? It exists on a spectrum, ranging from those who can’t conjure any images to those who have a faint, hazy glimpse of mental pictures. It’s like a sliding scale of visual perception, where each individual’s experience is as unique as a fingerprint.

The Mind’s Eye Unleashed

Hyperphantasia is like having a mental Imax theater in your mind. It’s not just about seeing vague shapes or fuzzy outlines; it’s about diving headfirst into a world of vivid colours, intricate details, and textures so real you can almost touch them. I’ve always known I had a wild imagination, but it turns out my…



Sheena Marie

I’m a creative business owner combining my passion for writing and digital product creation with my expertise in pole dancing, astrology and esoteric services.