Sheep Game Phase 2 — Land Launch FAQ

Sheep Game
3 min readDec 1, 2021


General FAQ

1. Where can we buy aWOOL and how do I use it?

We’ll be releasing a more detailed article on this tomorrow. For the time being, follow our Discord and check out the #official-links section in order to buy aWOOL with AVAX.

2. How do I list my Sheep, Wolf or Land NFTs to trade?

We are currently working on the Marketplace due to launch soon. In the meantime we recommend NFTrade.

Phase 2 — Land Launch FAQ

1. What is being launched this week?

This week’s launch will be Land. A minigame will also be coming a few days after the Land Launch. We’ll then be following this up with subsequent launches.

2. Will the next launch come before the faucet is turned off?


3. Do we have to unstake our sheep/wolves before phase 2?

No. Sheep that do not have two days’ worth of aWOOL by the time the faucet runs out will need to be unstaked by us. Please make sure to collect all your wool before then and don’t wait until the last minute to do so. This also applies to wolves.

Once the faucet turns off and we unstake your sheep/wolves, you will lose any aWOOL that hasn’t been sheared by then. Based on current wool production, the faucet will end fairly soon — we will make an announcement to remind you.

4. Will we be able to buy Land with aWOOL or AVAX?

Land will be able to be bought by both aWOOL and AVAX in order to encourage new users to enter the game.

5. Will land generate aWOOL?

Yes. It will need to be staked in order to do so.

6. Can wolves steal the aWOOL earned from staking land? Will wolves receive 20% tax on aWOOL from Land?

No, wolves cannot steal aWOOL earned from staking land. aWOOL will not be taxed when it is unstaked. All aWOOL earned from land will have no risk of being stolen.

7. What are the roles of Sheep and Wolves in phase 2 once the faucet dries up?

Both sheep and wolves will have important parts to play along with Land in Phase 2.

8. Does the Land Launch include the Marketplace and Breeding Farm?

No, for this update we will only launch Land. We will also be launching a mini-game between this release and the next.

9. What will be the end of Phase 2 and is there a Phase 3?

The end of Phase 2 will be the complete release of all features on the Sheep Game Phase 2 Roadmap. Phase 3 has been planned out but the details will not be released until towards the end of Phase 2.

10. Will there be combat features between farmers and wolves? Between wolves and sheep?

There will be no combat features in this upcoming land launch.

11. Will there be a second token? If so, what will it be used for?

No new tokens besides aWOOL will be issued.

12. Will there be any utility for aWool outside of the game?

Yes, we are working on some exciting partnerships that will be using aWOOL in the future.

Sheep Game’s Whitepaper V2 will be released on the day of the launch. Please refer to Whitepaper V2 on before the land launch.



Sheep Game

FIXED Avalanche 🔺 Fork of popular but broken Wolf Game Sheep and Wolves compete on-chain for $aWOOL, with high stakes.