7 min readDec 7, 2023

Does Vegan protein powder result in any side effects?

Plant-powered gains without the side effects? We explore the potential downsides of vegan protein po

The answer is No, Vegan protein does not result in any side effects, but yes there are a few conditions associated with the same, so let us dig a bit deeper. We will also elaborate the topic on our Brand Sheer MADness, which is completely Natural and free of chemicals in any form. It’s a perfect blend made with Almond, Flaxseed, and Turmeric as mother ingredients.

Plant Protein and Side Effects:

Vegan Protein powder, or protein that is derived from plants, is a popular choice for people who follow vegetarian or vegan diets, or for those who are looking to incorporate more plant-based foods into their diet for health or environmental reasons. Plant protein sources include legumes such as beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, and grains such as Quinoa and rice.

There are several potential benefits to consuming plant protein. One of the main benefits is that plant protein sources are often lower in saturated fat and cholesterol compared to animal protein sources. This may make plant protein a good choice for people who are trying to lower their risk of heart disease or other health conditions related to high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol. Plant protein sources are also typically rich in antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds, which may have a range of health benefits.

Plant protein is also a more environmentally friendly choice compared to animal protein. The production of animal protein requires more land, water, and other resources compared to plant protein production, and it is also a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing plant protein sources, it is possible to reduce the environmental impact of your diet.

Plant protein is generally considered safe and well-tolerated. However, like any other type of protein, it is possible to have an allergic reaction to certain plant protein sources. For example, some people may be allergic to peanuts, which are a common source of plant protein. If you have a known allergy to a specific plant protein source, it is important to avoid consuming that food.

As always “Excess of anything is bad”, so some people may also experience digestive issues when consuming large amounts of protein (Whey or plant-based), such as gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. If you are sensitive to fibre or have a history of digestive problems, it may be helpful to start with small amounts of plant protein and gradually increase your intake over time to allow your body to adjust.

It is also important to note that, as with any dietary supplement, it is important to follow the recommended dosage and to be mindful of the other sources of protein in your diet to ensure that you are getting the appropriate amount of protein for your needs.

If you are considering adding plant protein to your diet & you have any existing medical conditions or allergies, it is always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider first. Your healthcare provider can help you determine the right amount of protein for your needs and can advise you on the best sources of plant protein to include in your diet.

Almond, Flaxseed, and Turmeric: A Match Made in Vegan Protein Powder Heaven (and What You Need to Know)

The world of vegan protein powders can feel overwhelming. Blends with unpronounceable ingredients and sky-high sugar contents leave you wondering, “What’s the catch?” But fear not, health-conscious friend, because there’s a holy trinity of plant-based goodness waiting for you: almond, flaxseed, and turmeric.

This dynamic trio isn’t just trendy; it’s a nutritional powerhouse. Let’s break down why:

Almond: This creamy nut is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids your body needs. It’s also packed with healthy fats, fiber, and vitamin E — a recipe for satiety and muscle recovery.

Flaxseed: This tiny seed is a fiber and omega-3 fatty acid champion. It keeps you feeling full and supports brain health, digestion, and heart function. Plus, it’s a natural anti-inflammatory, making it a post-workout MVP.

Turmeric: This golden spice isn’t just for lattes anymore. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It can help reduce pain, boost immunity, and even improve cognitive function.

Together, these three superstars create a protein powder that’s:

  • Gentle on your gut: No harsh digestive enzymes or fillers, just natural ingredients that work with your body.
  • Allergy-friendly: Free from the common allergens like soy and dairy, making it a safe choice for many.
  • Nutrient-rich: A complete protein source with added fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Anti-inflammatory powerhouse: Curcumin from turmeric combats inflammation throughout the body.
  • Naturally delicious: With a subtle nutty flavor and a touch of turmeric warmth, this blend goes beyond the usual bland protein powder.

But wait, are there any potential side effects?

Like any food, even the healthiest blend can have its quirks. Here’s what to watch out for:

  • Flaxseed can be a bit gritty: If you’re sensitive to texture, consider grinding it into a finer powder or opting for a pre-ground blend.
  • Turmeric can stain teeth: This can be easily remedied by rinsing your mouth after consuming the powder.
  • High fiber content might cause bloating: Start with a small serving and gradually increase to allow your gut to adjust.

Overall, an almond, flaxseed, and turmeric protein blend of Sheer MADness is the safest and most effective way to boost your plant-based protein intake. By choosing a high-quality, reputable brand and listening to your body, you can experience the incredible benefits of this natural powerhouse with minimal risks.

Ready to scoop up some goodness of Plant Protein without Side effects?

Look for blends that prioritize quality ingredients, transparency, and minimal processing. Remember, the fewer ingredients, the better!


In summary, plant protein is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with few known side effects. However, like any other type of food, it is possible to have an allergic reaction to certain plant protein sources, and some people may experience digestive issues when consuming large amounts of plant protein. There are several potential benefits to consuming plant protein, including lower saturated fat and cholesterol levels, a range of beneficial plant compounds, and a lower environmental impact compared to animal protein.

Sheer MADness on the contrary unlike other plant protein isolate is free of any chemicals, mild in nature, and no side effects have ever been reported, as long as the person consuming recommended dose, and is not allergic to these ingredients: Almonds, Flaxseed, Turmeric, Cocoa, Moringa, Cardamom, Oats & Pure Dark chocolate.

Even the facility is free of peanuts.

Now Few Facts before I finish:

These are the same lines from my book “Great Health Comes from Exercise & Nutrition”

a) Everyone is an individual, so what suits me, may or may not suit the next person.

b) If a person has a medical condition, a doctor’s advice and prescribed medication will only help.

c) While buying any protein powder from the market read the labels carefully, and Watch out for various codes, and words like Anti-caking agent, and INS 551( Also known as Silicon dioxide), All these are Laboratory made chemicals, and although approved by regulatory bodies think twice, will you consume a spoon of Silicon dioxide? And Silicon dioxide is just one product, there are numerous others like BHA ( Butylated hydroxyanisole ), BHT ( Butylated hydroxytoluene ) and the list of lab-made chemicals goes on and on with various codes, that we generally ignore.

Hence read the labels especially the ingredients list of the product before buying.

If interested in buying chemical-free Natural vegan Protein visit us @ Sheer MADness.

One can also buy our Products From Flipkart, Jio Mart or ONDC in India.

d) Exercise is the key to fitness, we should always keep in mind that exercise and nutrition are two sides of the same coin and always go hand in hand. So only nutrition will not help you attain any goals till it is not supplemented with Exercise.

e) Excess of anything is wrong, it can be the best nutrient-filled superfood, but one should consume only recommended quantities.

f) Regarding health, fitness, and nutrition, remember that Rome was not built in a day. Your discipline and consistency is the key.

g) It’s not only Exercise and protein that builds muscles, there are numerous other factors like a healthy gut, numerous macro and micronutrients, your body type and DNA, the amount of rest the body gets, the lifestyle an individual lives, and on and on it goes. Out of all these, exercise and nutrition are within our control, and one should focus on these two primary aspects.

h) For More benefits related to Vegan Protein Powder, I will request you to read the Post: Muscle Growth to Health, Plant Protein Powders are the future.

i) To clear any doubt related to the topic of “Protein” I would request you to read my post “Protein, Everything you should be aware of.”

j) And the most important part: Nothing is better than a balanced meal.

Article by Chef Ashutosh Awasthi.