Sheetal R Ahuja
2 min readMar 13, 2018

YOU Fill in the Blank!!!

In 3D paradigm sadly the conditioning is that your partner "fills your voids & completes you" coming from this background after encountering numerous "soulmates" you bump into Life aka- your Twinflame & Life is never the same!!!
There isn't a Manual that teaches you to tread the path but there surely something more dependable compass by which you can navigate with ease - & that's your INNER KNOWING- YOUR SOUL WISDOM that knows it all!
Your Twin is NOT here to fill any voids for you, nor do they overcome anything for you.
They are mere "catalyst" here to REMIND you & TRIGGER you so that every limiting belief that belongs to 3D, is released.
If you come from a dysfunctional family, your Twin will NOT sit & fill in your blanks & soothe you! That's NOT why they here for!
Your Twin wants you to do it yourself & conquer your own inner demons & emerge victorious. The so called "separation" phase creeps in when either of the two are beginning to AWAKEN! And the cardinal rule is one has to walk that narrow route ALONE!
If your Twin was to be there by your side to heal you, you would develop DEPENDENCY & Twinflame contracts are purely to eliminate "CO-DEPENDANCY" & usher in a space of ferocious SELF RELIANCE.
When you can heal yourself and resolve your core wounding, that's what you will radiate & REFLECT to your Twin!

Your Twin ISNT filling in your blanks
Your Twin is FULLFILLING a soul contract, both of you'll co-created before incarnation!

So rather that blaming, criticising & condemning your Twin, develop a higher level of gratitude, compassion for the fact you HAVE a Twin in the first place. Look around to see those who are seeking to attract their Twin & you will begin to Count your blessings!
The journey isnt bed of roses, but remember "you SUBSCRIBED" for it & every Twinflame couple have a unique journey that's scripted by the two of them under Providence's guidance!

Sending lots of Grace & Peace & Happiness to every being on this Planet!

Sheetal R Ahuja

Magdalene Rose Priestess, Embodiment Alchemist Quantum Healer Time Keeper