Fitness is everything

Ghazi Shehryar Mirza
5 min readSep 26, 2023


Fitness is a very helpful habit in one’s life that can benefit you in many different ways. If you are thinking of starting out on the New Year’s resolution or you have been training for quite some time. That now seems like the best time to set and reach new objectives. There are many different aspects of fitness that you should know. Which will benefit you in your daily life. To a competing athlete especially a boxer their conditioning is a major factor in their game plan going into their match. Their ample stamina and unbreakable endurance give them an edge over their opponents. It lets them tap into their strengths giving them the upper hand in their match. If you followed recent movies then you must feel astonished at how buff “the Rock” Dwayne Johnson or Ryan Reynolds seem in their recent movies. These results come from years of hard work in the gym and with a regular strict diet. Letting actors put on massive amounts of muscle before each role. You might not be able to get the same amount of muscle unless you take part in an insane fitness regime. But there are many different ways fitness can benefit your daily lifestyle.

Why you should start your fitness journey today

If you are new to fitness then there are many different things you can try out to help start your fitness journey. It does take a little bit of determination to start out and stick to your fitness regimen. Once you start it becomes simpler to commit to your routine. After a while, you will achieve your fitness goals. If you are a fitness junkie then you know the difference fitness does to benefit your life. This year you can try to reach new heights in your fitness goals that you haven’t gone to before. Fitness can also be a great way to get out of old habits and try new things which also benefit your health. Most gyms are also great environments to be in. Gyms can be a great place to socialize. There are some great communities linked with gyms with friendly wholesome atmospheres. There are many gym regulars who have made fitness a full-time lifestyle by working out every day. Even if you can’t become a gym fanatic there are many different ways you can commit to fitness. To adjust it to your lifestyle.

Fitness doesn’t just give you a slim summer body it also boosts your mood. If you work out in the morning then it helps keep you confident throughout the day. Along with regulating your weight a good fitness routine can aid you in many ways in the long run. Going to the gym for the long term is a great way to achieve your fitness goals. Committing to your workout regimen can be a hassle. There are many different things you can adopt from fitness to help your exercise routine. Listening to your favorite music during your workout helps. Drinking enough amount of water is also crucial in keeping you focused during your workouts. It is important to adopt good habits as you move forward with your fitness routine. It will help you reach your fitness targets.

Why keeping fit matters

Say for instance you were going out on a date. Your date has only seen pictures of your face. When she sees you in real life she feels surprised to see that you’re a bit of the tubby side. It would be a little embarrassing and it would be better to wow her with an aesthetic gym physique instead. You can work towards that goal by working but it will also take a clean diet. Many people find it hard to stick to a clean diet. It is because they don’t adopt the parts of eating clean that can benefit them. It is not much of a problem if you’re already skinny and looking to put on weight but if you’re overweight you should eat in a caloric deficit. This can happen by avoiding processed foods and making your clean diet tastier.

For those looking to put on muscle weight, it’s important to eat more protein to help build muscle weight and help with recovery. If you want to know how much protein you should eat you can calculate it online. It is important to eat the right things to ensure most muscle growth and to make sure you do not put on unnecessary weight. Now seems like the best time to get in shape, if you have had plans to join your local gym then now is the time to do it. The last two years 2020 and 2021 have been hard on everyone. If you can come out of those tough years with anything. It should be the motivation to get fit and pursue your fitness goals.


There are many ways you can motivate yourself to go to the gym and produce the results you want. With many fitness celebrities to guide you along your way and plenty of fitness-related advice. There is enough content to help keep you focused during your fitness journey. You shouldn’t let anything distract you from attaining your fitness results. Staying focused and aiming to reach new targets will inspire and enable you to achieve your fitness goal and wow anyone who sees you. If you are already deep you’re your fitness routine then this year you should aim to reach new targets. To perform amazing things in the gym that will surprise you too. The sky is the limit and once you set out to achieve your fitness goals there is nothing that can stop you and you can do anything. So don’t sit around all day believe in yourself go out there and soon you will make it.

