Types of Karate

Ghazi Shehryar Mirza
9 min readAug 14, 2022

When it comes to Karate there are many different types of it to choose from. Each type comes with its own variation of blocks, stance, strikes, movements, and fighting style. Karate is a delightful combination of discipline and self-protection. Karate has branched out into various styles. Including but not limited to Shotokan, Goju, Shorin-Ryu, Wado-Ryu, Kyokushin, and Shito-Ryu. Each type of Karate comes with its own variation on the philosophy and style of doing karate. Shotokan is a traditional Japanese style of karate. It was created by Gichin Funakoshi, who was a judo practitioner. Goju-Ryu is a style of karate with its origins in Okinawa. Shorin-Ryu and Wado-Ryu are both defensive forms of karate. They are primarily used by practitioners who focus on avoiding strikes. Kyokushin is a variant of karate that focuses on body strikes. Here we are going to take at how karate has branched into several different forms. These include Shito-Ryu, Ashihara, Chito-Ryu, Enshin, and Kishimoto-di. There are a total of 11 different types of karate with 4 major ones.

As a beginner, you should know that Shorin-Ryu Karate is descended from the Okinawan style of Karate called Shito-Ryu. The art was developed by Gichin Funakoshi in 1922. Funakoshi was the leader of a branch of Japanese martial arts that emphasized kata, forms, and self-defense techniques. Karate is a type of martial art and combat sport that was developed in Japan in ancient times. Like many types of martial arts at the time. It’s characterized by its focus on hand techniques, as well as joint locks, striking, and throwing weapons, which have developed over its history. Karate developed during the Meiji period. It is related to other Japanese martial arts of the time, such as judo. Karate has been practiced in China, Korea, and Okinawa since ancient times. Karate is focused mostly on attack and defense. It’s primarily a combination of punches and kicks. The moves in karate can be classified into three types striking Punch, Elbow, and kick.

The different types of Karate Styles.

If you are just starting out with Karate then the prospect of the numinous karate styles to pick from might seem daunting. We are here to discuss the various types of karate styles. To let you know which type of karate variant suits you best. Of the 11 types of karate, the most common and accessible types are Shotokan, Wado-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, and Goju-Ryu. Other types of karate are derived from these common types of karate styles. Shotokan is the most common and well-known type of karate. It is the most common type of karate which utilizes both the upper and lower body. Shotokan uses a basic form of stance with the intention to deliver quick powerful blows. Shotokan practitioners are masters of exerting deadly force onto their opponent in the shortest amount of time.

Moreover, Wado-Ryu and Shito-Ryu are more defensive types of karate styles. They are more oriented to avoiding strikes and performing counters. These types of karate styles rely on the self-protection philosophy of karate. These two types of karate are different in form, stance, and how the practitioner avoids strikes. Uechi-Ryu is the oldest type of karate from all the other types other there. It originated in the early 1900s under the tutelage of Kanbun Uechi. Like other ancient martial arts, Uechi-Ryu employs a basic fighting system with an emphasis on open-hand strikes and low kicks. The many different types of karate styles including the main ones. Shito-ryu is one of the most popular types of karate. It is heavily practiced in Japan with its origins in the 1920s under the guidance of Kenwa Mabuni. It focuses on predetermined strikes also known as kata, which are techniques that students of this type of karate must master. The 4 major types of karate are best for beginners. They are widely taught throughout the world.

The best Karate type that suits your style.

Of the many types of karate, getting to know which type suits your style the best is the beginning of the journey. Each type of karate style can possess over 50 techniques in various fight systems. The competition layout of each type of karate is also different. The right type of karate style depends on the one that suits you best. Although it is common to practice the most common type of karate like Shorin-Ryu and Shotokan. There is a wide range of types of karate each with different fighting styles dived into different fight styles. Each style has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. The best Karate type for you depends on your personality, goals, and talents.

Every different type of Karate uses a form technique called katas. These let the student of karate perform different actions based on the situation. Katas are distributed between different types of karate with some types having over 50 katas to master. A karate master who is skilled in martial arts must know all these techniques to become a black belt. If you are motivated to peruse karate, then finding the best type for you comes down to your goals. If you are perusing karate for fitness then Shotokan would suit you best as it is also the most common. For those looking to start karate for self-defense then Shorin-Ryu and Wado-Ryu are better options. Karate is also accessible for those interested in experimenting. There are types of different karate styles that can cater to any martial art enthusiast. Of the many variants, there are 10 types that are practiced today with 4 of the most widespread. Finding the best type comes down to your own preference.

All Types of Karate and their features

Each type of karate comes with its own district features. These set them apart from each other basied on style, necessity and type.


Kyokushin relies on body strikes and intense conditioning. Kyokushin is focused on delivering devastating blows and powerful single strikes to your opponent. Kyokushin incorporates heavy conditioning into its training to strengthen the body to take heavy blows. It is best for self-discipline and self-protection.


Wado Is it a more defensive type of karate. It garners from the spiritual aspect of karate on self-protection. Masters of Wado are tacticians at avoiding strikes. It is adapted and developed by Hanshi Higaonna. who is 7th Dan, was a student of the famous karate master, Gichin Funakoshi. Wado is keen for biomechanics and understanding movement.

Shito Ryu

This is a very powerful type of karate aimed at having a firm defense. Just like Kyokushin Shito Ryu imposes heavy conditioning to strengthen its students. To have a strong defense for self-protection. Shito-ryu focuses on building fluid motion in speed during katas and sparring. Students are taught to use fast straight movements and slow fluent movements to deliver devastating blows.


This karate style originated in Okinawa like most others. It utilizes breathing techniques to help the practitioner exert the most force. Practitioners deflect their opponent’s strikes with angular movements, followed by sharp and hard punches and kicks. Goju-Ryu is the best type of karate for those looking to get into martial arts for fitness.


By far the most popular and most widespread. Shotokan is the most common type of karate. It is also considered the most effective because of its focus on power while also being easy to learn for beginners. Shotokan utilizes seven parts of the body as weapons including fingers and knees, to deliver lethal force onto the opponent. Students of Shotokan are taught to focus on their form including their speed breathing and balance.


Uechi-Ryu is an early form of karate. It derives mainly from ancient Chinese fighting styles. It originated during the 14th century and is the oldest type of karate. It represents an “evolving” approach to traditional karate. It is great for building your core and muscle strengthening. It also helps promotes mental toughness.


This is a Japanese type of karate that emphasizes the use of speed and power and is known for its strong kicks. Shorinji-Ryu was first developed by Gozoku Kenwa, who was a student of Jikishin. Students are taught a combination of hard and soft attacks. Practitioners learn to avoid strikes through body movements and spar with counterattacks that reduce their opponent’s ability to remain upright.


Ashihara is a full-contact style of karate designed to help prepare anyone for an attack from a single person or multiple attackers. It relies heavily on techniques that can take an opponent’s position and use it against them. This type of karate is most commonly seen in street fights. The sparring of Ashihara is similar of that of mainstream boxing or Muay Thai.


Chito-Ryu is a modern Japanese martial art that incorporates elements of karate, jujutsu and judo. It is called JR Kickboxing, it is one of the most dynamic styles of karate. The katas and techniques in this style are dynamic, powerful, and explosive. Chito-Ryu training is great for disciplining yourself in martial arts. Chito-Ryu karate stresses that there’s never a need for a first punch, as karate should be used for self-defense only


This specific type of karate teaches students how to use an opponent’s momentum and body position against them. It is a full-contact type of karate, which also teaches how to use the element of surprise to use against attackers. Enshin utilizes blind spots to exploit the attacker’s moves and use them to your own advantage. This form of karate is designed to instill confidence, humility, and resilience in its practitioners.


This is a lesser common type of karate. Students are taught to utilize twisting motions and sinking bodily movements done through the waist. To avoid blows by moving as little as possible. Practitioners use their own core strength and body weight, as well as their opponent’s momentum to power their moves. Many practitioners of this type of karate have experience in other types.


Which style of karate is best for me?

There are many different types of karate styles to pick from. Before choosing which style suits you best, you must first clarify your motives with karate. The right type of karate that suits your needs should let you be the most effective with your goals.

How many types of karate are there?

There are over 75 types of karate forms with origins dating back to ancient times. Many different types of martial arts formed out of the feudal ears of japan and china. These types of martial arts have branched out into further variants. Today there are over 10 types of karate commonly practiced with 4 major types.

What type of karate is most effective?

A: Shotokan is by far the most widely practiced type of karate. It is most popular in Japan because it originated in Okinawans. It is the simplest and most effective type of karate when it comes to practicality. The people who practice Shotokan use it for street fights and self-defense.


There are plenty of types of karate to choose from. Some are more complex than others while some are more different from the rest. Each type of karate comes with different variants in style, purpose, and technique. The most effective types of karate variants are the most commonly practiced in widespread karate circles and dojos. Karate has its origins in ancient times during a time when self-defense was necessary. Deciding which karate style to pick from depends on your own personal preference and goals. Training in karate comes with many health benefits. The discipline of martial arts can bring many advantages into your life. Choosing the right type of karate style as your discipline is the first set to achieving your goals. It is the mission of any karate student to master perfecting their art. Once you have applied your newfound knowledge in which karate type to pick. You will soon master karate as a skill. It is superb for self-defense so learning it well can aid you in many different ways. Stick to your routine and you will one day be a karate master.

