What Is Your Identity?

Shehryar Saeed
2 min readAug 19, 2023


Every single individual in this world is an amalgamation of several identities.

Photo by Alex Galloso on Unsplash

A person’s identity is a composition of various identities. People recognize others based on their identity. A person might like or dislikes hir identity, owing to hir past experiences and personal perspective. Some of these identities are God-gifted. Human has to accept these identities. Many identities are given to a person by society. Human has minor possession to change these aspects of his complete identity. One of the vital identities is an individual identity. It is a combination of a person’s habits, traits, and values.

Sociologists, Psychologists, and Researchers coined many forms and aspects of identity. Here, we discuss three prominent forms of identity.

  1. Universal Identity
  2. Social Identity
  3. Individual Identity

Universal Human Identity

Universal identity is God-gifted. God describes Humans as the noblest of all creations. All humans are the same, equal in rights, and important in the eyes of the Creator. Every human has the same basic needs to survive in the world. All of us, breathe, eat and prefer a permanent place to live, which is called a Home. All humans are connected through an invisible natural connection. Indeed, We all belong to the same human race.

Social Identity

Identity is necessary to live a remarkable life. After children’s birth, they get an identity of gender owing to their natural body structure. Second thing, Children entitle to a name that becomes their secondary identity. Parents or Guardians give names according to their wishes. Some identities are dependent on the place of birth, the culture of the respective society, and religion. Mostly when a person reaches the age of a Young Adult, these identities are linked with a child by society. A person may change some of these identities, which are embedded in hir by society.

Individual Identity

People develop their identity. Individual identity is the most important and inevitable part of a person’s life. Individual identity is dependent on the habits, traits, and perspectives of a person. These contribute to shaping a person’s self-identity. Individual identity is a reflection of a person’s personality. People think that their job is their identity. This is a role, everyone plays to earn, which is necessary for survival. Personal identity is to find yourself. Put effort to make yourself a valuable person in society. We think that getting a high job, getting married, or building a house would become our identification. All of these things describe our role and status in society.

Here are some tips to develop an individual identity.

  1. Self-reflection
  2. Set personal Values
  3. Positive Affirmation (Use positive acts to challenge negative thoughts)
  4. Build positive relationships
  5. Find your Vocation (Things you want to pursue in life)

