Test-Driven Development in Android MVVM Architecture(Part 3-Espresso)

Shehzab Ahammad
3 min readMay 25, 2020


Image by andrekheren from Pixabay

Espresso is an open-source android user interface (UI) testing framework developed by Google.

What is Espresso?

Espresso is a simple, efficient, and flexible testing framework. Here, we gonna setup the Espresso framework in a project, the workflow of the framework, and finding, automating & asserting user interface components in the testing environment with the simple android application.

Espresso basically has 3 components

  • ViewMatchers — allows finding view in the current view hierarchy
  • ViewActions — allows performing actions on the views
  • ViewAssertions — allows asserting the state of a view
Outline Structure:onView(ViewMatcher)         

Before begin, if you didn’t check with my previous article, I recommend you check it here.

We have a small sample android application that hosts a Login screen and Home screen. You can clone it here. I recommend you clone this repo and checkout to tdd-unit-testing branch, so you can easily understand the flow ✌.

git clone https://github.com/shehzab.developer/Test_Driven_Development.git

git checkout -b tdd-unit-testing

Let’s start step by step…

Step 1: Add below dependencies into your app module’s build.gradle.
Espresso support:
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0'
Espresso intent mocking support:
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-intents:3.2.0'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test:rules:1.2.0'

Step 2: Its recommended to turn off animations in the android device which is used for testing.

Step 3: Open your project, goto package login, open LoginActivity.kt.

Step 4: Right-click LoginActivity.kt and select Generate > test

Right-click LoginViewModel and select Generate
Select Test…

Step 5: Pop-up appears. Select default values (cross-check with this image -left side) and click Ok.

Step 6: Pop-up appears. Select an androidTest and click Ok.

Notice the generated LoginActivityTest class in androidTest/login/ package.

Step 7: Now we need to add @RunWith(AndroidJunit4::class) on class name and ActivityTestRule which provides functional testing of single Activity.

So now code looks like:

class LoginActivityTest{
var activityTestRule = ActivityTestRule(LoginActivity::class.java)


Step 8: Now we ill write a simple test case to check whether username edit text is visible or not.
Write a method named as isUsernameEditTextDislayed with @Test annotation. Copy-paste below code snippet.

fun isUsernameEditTextDisplayed() {

In the above code, I am calling username edit text Id inside ViewMatcher and checking is it visible or not with ViewAssertion.
Run the test. Cool… It passed. For the running test, we need a physical device or emulator.

Espresso methods can be self-explanatory.

Step 9: Now we ill write test cases for a user entering username and password and click on the Login button. Followed by HomeActivity opens.

fun isUserLoggedAndHomeScreenCalled() {

//entering username

//entering password
//checking HomeActivity is called

Run the test. Cool… It passed ✌.

Awesome 👏👏👏. We just completed the basic intro to testing. Don’t stop here there is more to learn.

For complete source code for this chapter, checkout repo to tdd-espresso.
git checkout -b tdd-espresso

Thank you for your time to read this article. If you like it please give me your clap 👏 , so others can find it too.

