Arduino MP3 Player

Be a single
3 min readApr 5, 2020


HI every one today i am design some mp3 player in arduino using speakers,SD card set in it

main code:

// Include Libraries
#include “Arduino.h”
#include “SpeakerStereo3W.h”

// Pin Definitions
#define DFPLAYER_PIN_TX 10
#define DFPLAYER_PIN_RX 11
#define TMP36_PIN_VOUT A3

// Global variables and defines
unsigned int StereoSpeakerHoorayLength = 6; // amount of notes in melody
unsigned int StereoSpeakerHoorayMelody[] = {NOTE_C4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_C5, NOTE_G4, NOTE_C5}; // list of notes. List length must match HoorayLength!
unsigned int StereoSpeakerHoorayNoteDurations[] = {8 , 8 , 8 , 4 , 8 , 4 }; // note durations; 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc. List length must match HoorayLength!
// object initialization
SpeakerStereo3W StereoSpeaker(STEREOSPEAKER_PIN_POS);

// define vars for testing menu
const int timeout = 10000; //define timeout of 10 sec
char menuOption = 0;
long time0;

// Setup the essentials for your circuit to work. It runs first every time your circuit is powered with electricity.
void setup()
// Setup Serial which is useful for debugging
// Use the Serial Monitor to view printed messages
while (!Serial) ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB

menuOption = menu();


// Main logic of your circuit. It defines the interaction between the components you selected. After setup, it runs over and over again, in an eternal loop.
void loop()

if(menuOption == ‘1’)
// Disclaimer: The DFPlayer — Mini MP3 Player is in testing and/or doesn’t have code, therefore it may be buggy. Please be kind and report any bugs you may find.
else if(menuOption == ‘2’) {
// 3W Stereo Speaker — Test Code
// The Speaker will play the Hooray tune
StereoSpeaker.playMelody(StereoSpeakerHoorayLength, StereoSpeakerHoorayMelody, StereoSpeakerHoorayNoteDurations);
else if(menuOption == ‘3’)
// Disclaimer: The This Analog Temprature Sensor can measure -40 to 150C. It is very percise and doesn’t need calibration is in testing and/or doesn’t have code, therefore it may be buggy. Please be kind and report any bugs you may find.

if (millis() — time0 > timeout)
menuOption = menu();


// Menu function for selecting the components to be tested
// Follow serial monitor for instrcutions
char menu()

Serial.println(F(“\nWhich component would you like to test?”));
Serial.println(F(“(1) DFPlayer — Mini MP3 Player”));
Serial.println(F(“(2) 3W Stereo Speaker”));
Serial.println(F(“(3) This Analog Temprature Sensor can measure -40 to 150C. It is very percise and doesn’t need calibration”));
Serial.println(F(“(menu) send anything else or press on board reset button\n”));
while (!Serial.available());

// Read data from serial monitor if received
while (Serial.available())
char c =;
if (isAlphaNumeric(c))

if(c == ‘1’)
Serial.println(F(“Now Testing DFPlayer — Mini MP3 Player — note that this component doesn’t have a test code”));
else if(c == ‘2’)
Serial.println(F(“Now Testing 3W Stereo Speaker”));
else if(c == ‘3’)
Serial.println(F(“Now Testing This Analog Temprature Sensor can measure -40 to 150C. It is very percise and doesn’t need calibration — note that this component doesn’t have a test code”));
Serial.println(F(“illegal input!”));
return 0;
time0 = millis();
return c;

Here my project link:

Here linkedIn ID:


This project is only for beginners

Just enjoy with arduino.have fun

Is any question ask under the commend section. Be a single

