Sheikh Yameen
4 min readMar 27, 2020


Sometime back I was going through a book which suggested that there would be no country by the name of Pakistan on the face of the earth by the year 2020 which of course is not the case. In 2009, Kapil Komireddi in his piece for The Guardian argued that “the demise of Pakistan is inevitable”. All these claims let me to inquire whether Pakistan is actually so much vulnerable as some people claim it to be. In order to understand whether Pakistan has any significant place in the affairs of the World in general & south east Asia in particular, we have to go through some significant events that occurred right from the formation of Pakistan.

After the end of world war second cold war started giving rise to two blocs Soviet union led communist block and U.S. led capitalist block. After partition India got closer to Soviet union although it did not join any bloc officially. Pakistan became part of many Asian groups, keeping its doors open for both the blocs. After the war of 1947 between India & Pakistan over the disputed region of Jammu & Kashmir which both countries claim in entirety, India took the issue to UN. Many resolutions were passed in 1948 by the UN which India refuses to adhere to this day. Any move by UN or Pakistan on implementation of its resolution on Kashmir was vetoed by Soviet union (Due to its proximity with India).

The events of early 1960’s left permanent stains on the relationship between India and China which are visible even today. China felt betrayed after India facilitated meeting between Dalai lama and some U.S. officials which resulted in huge uproar in China which eventually led to the 1962 war in which India lost badly. U.S. became worried about the vulnerability of India but U.S. was more closer to Pakistan than India and did not want to lose her for India. India imported its weapons from Soviet union & Pakistan imported its weapons from U.S. In 1965 a full fledged war broke out between India & Pakistan. U.S. in order to calm down the tension between the two countries decided to stop all kinds of military aid to both the countries. The real intention of the sanctions remain a matter of debate to this day. The sanctions imposed left Pakistan in a state of starvation in terms of weapon arsenal, but had minimal impact on India. Pakistan developed strategic alliance with China to counter its reliance on U.S. Eventually Soviet union felt it was being encircled, It with the help of India managed to dis-member Pakistan with the creation of Bangladesh. Pakistan was left with no option but to get close to U.S. once again which had the capability of challenging Soviet.

Pakistan became instrumental in disbanding Soviet union by facilitating guided insurgency with the help of U.S. in Afghanistan. After 9/11 U.S. resorted to same mistake that led to division of Soviet union by intervening in Afghanistan. Pakistan was forced to act as facilitator thanks to Bush doctrine of “You are either with us or against us”. Destined failure of U.S. in Afghanistan & their inability to dismantle ISIS has led to revival of cold war. Russia has began to defy which is clearly evident by its direct intervention in Syria. Shattered by re-emergence of assertive Russia,U.S. have started to look for Old allies. Pakistan due to its strategic geographic location has regained its bargaining position & to further improve its bargaining position Pakistan is displaying its capabilities of creating a Pakistan-Russia proximity. Russia offered helicopters to Pakistan and have had joint military exercises with Pakistan. The recent U.S.- Taliban peace deal(read disgraceful exit of U.S. from Afghanistan) had Pakistan as a main player that helped both the parties to reach mutual understanding again highlighted the significance of Pakistan in the affairs of Asia, which in my opinion is due to its strategic geographic location. Now Iran asking Pakistan to help in negotiations with the U.S. to remove sanctions imposed on her again reinforces the importance of Pakistan. But the same strategic location has also made sure that Pakistan has been unable to have sustained time periods of peace. With hostile neighbors on its borders, human & economic growth has kept on suffering year after year.

(Bottom line)The current emerging situation is anyone’s game but Indian claims about Pakistan being isolated is far from reality instead Pakistan seems to have taken edge over India due to its strategic geographical location in present circumstances. Pakistan might have faced an uphill task for ensuring it survives and thrives but i don’t see Pakistan seizing to exist in foreseeable future if anything it should prosper and emerge as a global player provided it gets the right leadership that sets their priorities right.



Sheikh Yameen

Student of Management| Interested in Economics, Financial markets, Politics & Conflicts| 23 year old| Kashmir|