Published inHootsuite EngineeringMaking Myself Obsolete — Implementing cluster autoscaling and node autoremediation at HootsuiteIt’s Wednesday at 2am and you’re startled awake by Pagerduty. You groggily login to your laptop and check the details of the alert, which…Dec 21, 20221Dec 21, 20221
Published inHootsuite EngineeringUsing GitOps +ArgoCD To Ship Kubernetes Changes Faster at HootsuiteNearly four years ago, Hootsuite ran on a single monolithic codebase deployed on a fleet of AWS EC2 instances. Now, this functionality has…Jul 3, 20202Jul 3, 20202
Published inHootsuite EngineeringThree Years In — Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes at HootsuiteAt Hootsuite, over 120 microservices support the core dashboard product, of which the majority run on Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service…Sep 23, 2019Sep 23, 2019